Signature on PO

Is anyone populating Buyer Signatures on the PO form? I did it in E9 and Crystal but not sure how to do it in E10 or SSRS.

thanks Kim

How did you populate it in E9? You should be able to do the same thing, so I’m curious what process you chose.

We did an Insert OLE Object on the Crsytal Report form and there was code to pull the correct Buyer Signature.

Not sure how to translate that to SSRS.

If you have a bunch of images of the signature, you can place all of them on the SSRS and show the one associated with the buyer. It is a little backward from what you’d expect, but in the Visible section you would set the Hidden property to compare
BuyerID <> "jwoods"

Or set the path of the image, using an expression.

There’s even an option to pull the source from the DB (assuming they’re stored in the DB):

I would think pulling the image. They are not stored in the DB.

FWIW - I had a hell of a time trying to get an image field to use an expression to reference a file on the SSRS server. In fact, I was never able to reference it as a file.

I ended up having to store them in the SSRS reports DB.

When selecting “External” as the source, the only option you have to select the file is one that is stored in SSRS. I was able to upload 2 image files to the reprorts folder, using the browser interface

When you select a “file”, the value in the “Use this image:” field isn’t a string.


But you can change it to


and get:



In addition you can add to @ckrusen post

You can also add Custom Code to hide the signature if image doesnt exist (so you dont see the red x) – by right clicking on the Gray background on a Report and clicking Report Properties and then there is a Code section to add “Global/Shared” Code.

Public Function CheckFileExists(FileName as string) as Boolean
If System.IO.File.Exists(FileName) Then
   Return True
   Return False
End If
End Function

And then you can use the expression below to set the visibility of the textbox which contain the image.

=IIF( Code.CheckFileExists(YourFilePath),false,true)

Just Remember the SSRS Service Account needs to be able to read the UNC Path where you store images.

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Any Idea how to reference a file on a server? I tried all I could think of (like ="file:\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\" + Fields!BuyerID.Value + ".png")
but they all come up blank.

It’s almost like the source being “External” means it wants to be a “file” IN the SSRS db.

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Try 3 forward


But I think it works for me without file… I just have to make sure the SSRS Account has access to read from that path.

Typically using c$ requires elevation / a special account :slight_smile: with power

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I should have been clearer…

The following works (notice lack of equals sign or quotes):

While none of the following work:

  • ="file:\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\ckrusen.png"
  • ="file:\\\\usdatdbs00001\\c$\\EpicorPicts\\ckrusen.png"
  • ="file://\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\ckrusen.png"

So as soon as I try to make it an expression (so I could eventually combine it with a dataset field), it breaks.

Edit: I also tried (without any luck)

  • file:\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\+Fields!BuyerID.Value+.png
  • file:\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\&Fields!BuyerID.Value&.png
  • file:\\usdatdbs00001\c$\EpicorPicts\Fields!BuyerID.Value.png

Is it a bad assumption that SSRS has access to the file location, just because