Hi - wanted to see if anyone had a similar issue. When generating checks in Accounts Payable, the “$” sign is showing at the end of the dollar amount instead of the front.
I just wanted to remove the $ sign completely by updating the “currency symbol” field from “$” to Null/blank in the Currency Master Maintenance menu. However, it won’t let me leave that field blank or null. It requires me to put something in there. I put a period (.) in and now a period shows at the end of the check amount:)
Any ideas how to fix this without development? we are new to epicore
Thanks Pete
Thanks Calvin - Those steps definately worked as it added the blank space, however upon saving it still gave me the error “currency symbol is required”. Appreciate the help though
Just one currency for us - strange that yours is empty. My page looks exactly like yours but won’t let me clear out that $ from the currency symbol field.
I’m on 10.2.300. Upgraded from 10.1.400 (which was a virgin install). So that was probably never set. I wonder if once it’s been set, it can’t be cleared.
I had a similar request in V8 were we used a calculated field in the Crystal Report to replace the $ sign with “Dollars” and remove trailing asterisks.
e.g. “****** " & Replace(Replace({checkhed.Calc_DspWordAmt},”*“,”“),“Dollars”,”")
But a bug without consequences? I mean having it not set only prevents you from changing something on the Currency record, right? Or are there other consequences?
I really haven’t found any consequences yet, unless I am trying to make a script to update our Exchange Rates and providing the proper currency Symbol.
We ran with Blank for years just fine. It seems like its just used on Reports. But also seems Epicors intent was to make it mandatory, but they just have it in the wrong place.
So if you accidently have set it, you can prob unset it via Updatable BAQ.