Should Phantom BOM Parts be Coded as Quantity Bearing?

Should Phantom BOMs be coded as Quantity Bearing? Or does it matter?

It’s not possible to have an item be Quantity Bearing and a Phantom BOM.

Funny, we have lots of Phantoms set as Quantity Bearing. Just not sure if they should be.

CORRECTION to above…
QUANTITY BEARING, Yes, it can be quantity bearing…
NON-STOCK: THIS is what it needs to be… Phantoms cannot be set if it is a stackable item. it must be Non-Stock.


I understand the options. My question is whether phantoms should be quantity bearing. Why would we want to make them quantity bearing vs making them non-quantity bearing? Thanks!

We do not have ours set to quantity bearing because they are placeholder parts to make it easier for setting up a bill of materials. All of the individual components are and that’s what shows up on the job. The phantom BOM is just a placeholder and not used in production.

Personally I say no. Others will disagree.

I know you are asking about Phantom, not Non-stock, but if you’d like to read people express their disagreements with me on non-stock, here you go:

In short, I do get the argument with non-stock. We are not supposed to have any of this part on hand, but… sometimes we do. So we ought to track it.

But phantoms are even stranger; you can’t even have a pull-quantity of a phantom like you can with a subassembly. So… what could you even do with the quantity?

Nevertheless, if it can exist, there is a good argument to be had for documenting the quantity of it.

Also, another heated discussion from some new guy: