Our supervisors use Shop Tracker “Who is Here” and filter for not today to make sure everyone has punched out. One employee who’s on vacation still shows “Here”, but Time and Expense Entry seems to show they’ve been clocked out. There is no Time Detail for 7/24, just the main time entry…
Any idea what’s going on? Can I fix it within Epicor, or do I need to reset their password, log in to MES and clock themselves out? Thanks for the help!
Even though there is a time record in Time and Expense, there isn’t really a clock out time. The only reason it says 12:00 a.m. is because that is the default. The person really hasn’t clocked out. Clock into MES as them (you will need their Employee ID) and clock the person out. You will then see the Clock Out time in Time and Expense Entry change. You can then edit the entry to show the real time they should have clocked out.
The who is here shop tracker shows the labor headers that have been created, but not yet closed off, so that is why you can see in T&E entry with a 12:00 AM clock out. You will also note that you can’t edit that time entry until the clock out has been done.
Thanks @Beth and @aseidel - We reset the password and clocked the employee out. I’m surprised Epicor doesn’t have an ‘admin’ or ‘supervisor’ way of doing it
@Arul - I checked that first, but there were no labor (detail) records to end, just the header.
Actually 660 (CVJC0078) will get you what you need. This is a similar process to 630 but allows you to set active Labor Head records to false. This would be the “admin” way to do it.
We actually had our consultant install a script that clocks people out at a certain time every night as long as there is no activity in progress. Seems to work well for our salary staff that don’t clock into labor or indirects.