Shop floor user able to clock out even though he was still in an

I'm not sure about the first scenario.  I have had users who swear they clocked in and entered their shift only to find they are still clocked in from yesterday.  They think their clock out from yesterday worked and their clock in for today worked, but Epicor ignores both.
We have some jobs that have so little time that they clock in and report their quantity and clock out.  If they do it at exactly midnight, the job shows 24 labor hours.  Apparently, Epicor does not like midnight.

We have had this come up lately where we have a shop employee clock out at the end of the day, but upon arriving the next morning and clocking in, the system tells them they are still in the indirect operation from the day before.  Normally, the “clock out” button is grayed out if an employee hasn’t ended their labor activity.  The employee “thinks” he actually did end the labor operation but looking at the labor entry, it doesn’t show it, but it DOES show him actually clocking out when he said he did.  Does anyone know what could cause this type of behavior??


Another issue we have is we have users that clock out close to midnight sometimes.  We have a 7 minute grace period clocking in and clocking out.  Occasionally, we will see 0.00 as their clock out time and the calculated hours show 0 for their time.  Has anyone else seen this issue?


Mike Abell

Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office:   931.432.8408
Mobile:  615.418.3055
email:  MAbell@...