ShipVia Change Yes/No PopUp

I have ben asked about making a popup that says, The order has been scheduled, do you want to change the ShipVia. Do you want to continue? And then they can click Yes or No. This is not a BPM that I would be familiar with. HAs anyone done something similar? If so, how did you pull it off?

They want a pop-up in order entry when changing the ship via, once some flag has been set? Do a trace when changing the ship via, see which BO is triggered, add that as the condition to the BPM (e.g. Ready to Process = TRUE & ShipVia has been changed from any to another), then add the pop-up box to the condition’s TRUE output. I’m betting the BO is SalesOrder - Update… Not sure what field you are using to determine the order is scheduled. Firm? Ready to Fulfill? Ready to Process?

Hope this helps.

Yes, it is sales order. What I’m not sure about us how to get yes or no option for the csr to click to either move forward or end it.

What do you want to happen when they click either Yes or No? You can set the pop-up as an exception where it prevents the change (i.e. condition is shipvia has changed when the order is ‘scheduled’). And if the user then wants to change the shipvia, they have to un-schedule it (which won’t trigger the condition anymore, so no more exception pop-up).

If YES, then proceed. If NO, then terminate.

Few options:

  1. Customization Layer listening to the BeforeAdapter Event (Unsure what it is in Kinetic, but works in Classic).
  2. Pre BPM that Invokes a Simple Yes/No BPM Form and based on that result you can throw an exception to stop the BPM (should work on Kinetic as-is).
  3. You may be able to use one of the outMessage parameters, but more difficult.

If I want Kinetic readiness, id go with #2. It may not be the prettiest but it’ll do. You can change the label on the buttons.
