Shipping serial tracked parts

Hi guys,
We manufacture bespoke “make to order” products and 2 of the main sub-components of the top level assemblies are serial number tracked. They are part of a main assembly but are not shipped as fully assembled units (they’re too big).
These have to be shipped separately due to their physical size (approx. 1.5m W x 1m H x 5m L x 2000kg) in a 40ft sea-container or on the back of a huge truck. They’re assembled on site later.
Our Quality department need visibility that the sub-component has been shipped off site. Can I ship a lower level component? If so, how?
Any ideas welcomed.
Thanks in advance.

I presume the ‘entire’ requirements may not ship at the same time!
ie: Top level thing (level0) has sub-asmbly’s (level 1)[let’s presume qty of 2] that are so large they get assembled on-site…

So the questions… I presume these things are built on separate jobs?
Why do I need to treat this as ONE ITEM on a sales order???

EPI-design has a Sales Order release that can be linked to a Prod-job, but if the Sales Order is only one-line-item per the top-level assembly… everything becomes complicated! Instead of re-designing EPICOR to suit what is occurring at the company… I suggest re-engineering the business process to have individual line items. Each line item aligned to a Prod-job and shipment/serialization will work fine.

IF you PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR… then I can understand why you might have to ‘color-within-the-lines’ “BUT”… I won’t offer any outlandish plausibility, until you share more!

I wonder if a sales kit would work for you. Sell the top assembly as a sales kit, pull the two serialized parts onto kit to ship. This is presuming you do not wish to do assembly job.