Shipping Less Than Order Release Qty

When it’s determined that an inventory error occurred, after a sales order release has been released for picking in Fulfillment Workbench (FWB), and the full quantity cannot be shipped, would you please share what your company does to clean-up and adjust? It appears that the standard Epicor procedure would be:

  • Open the SO release in FWB and Unallocate and Unreserve it
  • Open the SO line in Order Entry and add a release, reducing the quantity on the release that can actually be shipped (in cases where some quantity was found but not enough)
  • Adjust the quantity
  • Put the part on the list of inventory errors whose root causes are to be found and fixed
  • Open the SO release in FWB and Reserve and Release For Picking at reduced qty (in cases where some quantity was found)
  • Customer Shipment Entry, Mass Ship, Ship All.
Please share: what tools and process changes have you been able to make, to streamline this process?


We only unreserve if we are going to close the release short, otherwise we just correct the inventory, leave the reservation, and fill the balance when the quantity becomes available.

(I think, I have been removed from this process for a while)

So when your shipping person does Mass Ship, Ship All, the quantities come apparently from the SO release, not from the picking quantity. So our person has to know the discrepancy, and manually enter a smaller number at that point. Hoping for something better. Thanks!

Ah ok. We do not use Mass Ship. All of our shipping containers get a unique PCID. We pick into the PCIDs, and then when a container is full it is brought over to be wrapped/packed/shipped.

When they create the pack, all they do is enter the PCID and ship it.