Every so often we get this issue. First, our art dept creates the basic order with a generic part num. Once art gets everything together they specifically pick the correct part num. However, in Order Entry–>Product group doesn’t get filled in. No one catches it until we get to shipping. At which time it throws an error. Once we get the error we know, he go back and fil this in. Today, we tried to do that but got an additional error:
Business Layer Exception
Cannot change plant or warehouse if the order release has been allocated or a shipment exists for the release.
Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel
Error Detail
Correlation ID: 71b4427b-52bb-48ee-a5e7-72175abce1a7
Description: Cannot change plant or warehouse if the order release has been allocated or a shipment exists for the release.
Program: Erp.Services.BO.SalesOrder.dll
Method: OrderRelBeforeUpdate
Line Number: 25410
Column Number: 21
Client Stack Trace
at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)
at Erp.Proxy.BO.SalesOrderImpl.MasterUpdate(Boolean lCheckForOrderChangedMsg, Boolean lcheckForResponse, String cTableName, Int32 iCustNum, Int32 iOrderNum, Boolean lweLicensed, Boolean& lContinue, String& cResponseMsg, String& cCreditShipAction, String& cDisplayMsg, String& cCompliantMsg, String& cResponseMsgOrdRel, String& cAgingMessage, SalesOrderDataSet ds)
at Erp.Adapters.SalesOrderAdapter.MasterUpdate(Boolean lCheckForOrderChangedMsg, Boolean lcheckForResponse, String cTableName, Int32 iCustNum, Int32 iOrderNum, Boolean lweLicensed, Boolean& lContinue, String& cResponseMsg, String& cCreditShipAction, String& cDisplayMsg, String& cCompliantMsg, String& cResponseMsgOrdRel, String& cAgingMessage)
at Erp.UI.App.SalesOrderEntry.Transaction.Update()