Shipping Error

Anyone ever see this error before:

Job Number cannot be blank.

A valid WIP Warehouse is required.

A valid WIP Bin Number is required.

Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel

**Error Detail**


**Message No.:** 1

**Description:** Job Number cannot be blank.

**Program:** Erp.Services.BO.CustShip.dll

**Method:** validatePartLine

**Line Number:** 36227

**Column Number:** 21

**Table:** ShipDtl

**Field:** JobNum

**Message No.:** 2

**Description:** A valid WIP Warehouse is required.

**Program:** Erp.Services.BO.CustShip.dll

**Method:** validatePartLine

**Line Number:** 36246

**Column Number:** 21

**Table:** ShipDtl

**Field:** WipWarehouseCode

**Message No.:** 3

**Description:** A valid WIP Bin Number is required.

**Program:** Erp.Services.BO.CustShip.dll

**Method:** validatePartLine

**Line Number:** 36258

**Column Number:** 21

**Table:** ShipDtl

**Field:** WipBinNum

**Client Stack Trace**


at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)

at Erp.Proxy.BO.CustShipImpl.UpdateMaster(CustShipDataSet ds, Boolean doValidateCreditHold, Boolean doCheckShipDtl, Boolean doLotValidation, Boolean doCheckOrderComplete, Boolean doPostUpdate, Boolean doCheckCompliance, Boolean ipShippedFlagChanged, Int32 ipPackNum, Int32 ipBTCustNum, String& opReleaseMessage, String& opCompleteMessage, String& opShippingMessage, String& opLotMessage, String& opInventoryMessage, String& opLockQtyMessage, String& opAllocationMessage, String& opPartListNeedsAttr, String& opLotListNeedsAttr, String& shipCreditMsg, Boolean& cError, Boolean& compError, String& msg, String& opPostUpdMessage, Boolean& updateComplete, Boolean& checkComplianceError, Boolean& changeStatusError, Boolean& checkShipDtlAgain)

at Erp.Adapters.CustShipAdapter.UpdateMaster(Boolean doValidateCreditHold, Boolean doCheckShipDtl, Boolean doLotValidation, Boolean doCheckOrderComplete, Boolean doPostUpdate, Boolean doCheckCompliance, Boolean ipShippedFlagChanged, Int32 ipPackNum, Int32 ipBTCustNum, String& opReleaseMessage, String& opCompleteMessage, String& opShippingMessage, String& opLotMessage, String& opInventoryMessage, String& opLockQtyMessage, String& opAllocationMessage, String& opPartListNeedsAttr, String& opLotListNeedsAttr, String& shipCreditMsg, Boolean& cError, Boolean& compError, String& msg, String& opPostUpdMessage, Boolean& updateComplete, Boolean& checkComplianceError, Boolean& changeStatusError, Boolean& checkShipDtlAgain)

at Erp.UI.App.CustShipEntry.Transaction.Update()

Looks like it can’t complete making the PackLine, as it doesn’t have enough info for the source of the part.

Is this a make to order part? If so, it will need the Job number it was made on.

If it is shipping from stock, it needs the warehouse and bin.

The warehouse and bin is in the Order–>Release, correct? If so, I see the warehouse is not filled in, but it is greyed out. How can I get into it?

The warehouse will be disabled on Order release is the Release is Make Direct. Try un-checking that box on the release.

New error, seems the release has been allocated/reserved or picked. This is a stock part that never should of had a job anyway. I have unlinked all the jobs attached to this part in the order, but still getting same error.

Did you delete the Pack Line after updating the Order Releases?

Does anything (like allocations or already picked) show if you look at the part with Part Advisor?

So, this order was two lines with the same part. One of those parts has a job on it that is completed. Could this be the culprit? Pack has been deleted.

What is the “source” (i.e. job or stock) for the other order line/release?

Was a single job created to make the total number required for both order lines? If so, it should have bee setup with two separate demand links. One to make the qty of the llne marked make direct, and the other demand link for make to stock.

The release says stock, but there is a job number attached to it and the Make Direct checked off.

I’d say that’s your culprit. Play around with trying to uncheck that, clear the related job num, select a warehouse and bin, etc…

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Except the job has been completed. Not closed, jut completed. So how do you un-complete a job?

I’ve also had luck completely closing the order line and release and then opening the line and release back up.

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