Ship to Stock

I was handed an order than is for some consignment orders. We make the product, bill the customer up front, stock the product and then ship it for them. As such we create orders that are ship to Stock. The orders today have a few of them that are pulling from inventory, which they shouldn’t be. I have searched this site and saw some info but nothing gave me any idea as to why. I also looked into the help info and not much useful there. If there is documentation on it, Please post the link so I can read on it. If not, anyone have this issue as well? How is it resolved?

Our process is that we ship the original items to us. That way all of the costs are invoiced. Then we bring back the items in as a different part number, with zero costs. When the customer orders items for us to ship to their customer, we ship the zero cost parts. That way we have tracking on inventory counts. We don’t mess around with customer inventory the epicor way.

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