Shared Report Data Source

All my standard and customized E10 SSRS reports are working fine, but I a couple of best-practices questions about the configuration of the Shared Report Data Source.

All standard (out-of-box) SSRS reports point to a single data source located at the /‘ReportServerName’/Reports/SharedReportDataSource.

Until now, in all my customized SSRS reports, I have created additional ‘SharedReportDataSource’ locations in
/‘ReportServerName’/Custom/DataSources/SharedReportDataSource or sometimes in individual report folders
/‘ReportServerName’/Custom/POForm/SharedReportDataSource or

Is it OK to have more than one SSRS SharedReportDataSource, or should customized reports all point to that one default SharedReportDataSource?

The Epicor default SharedReportDataSource connection string is:
Data Source=‘ReportServerName’;
Initial Catalog=ERP10_SSRS;
Min Pool Size=100;
Max Pool Size=2000;

My connection strings only includes:
Data Source=‘ReportServerName’;
Initial Catalog=ERP10_SSRS;

I think I should have either more parameters in my connection string, or use the Epicor default source, right?
If I do point all reports, both standard and custom, to the default SharedReportDataSource, should those Min and Max pool size be optimized for the size of installation (only 8 users)?

If you want your custom reports in DatabaseA to be exported using the Epicor provided tooling, imported into DatabaseB and have the tooling automatically point to the SSRS database for DatabaseB, use the standard delivered SharedReportDataSource for your custom reports.