Setting up warehouse for new part numbers

I have to change all my part numbers from a supplier to new ones. Now adding the new parts i am doing one by one. but i thought i would add the warehouse and default bins using DMT. but i keep getting an error.

PartNum 560.0507.138, PartNum 560.0507.138, Plant , WarehouseCode MFSPR, WarehouseCode MFSPR Table: PartWhse Msg: Invalid Site. Part not defined as existing in this Site.
Invalid Site. Part not defined as existing in this Site.

I have my excel spreadsheet set with the required fields, and i cannot find any difference between the old part and the new part in “Part Entry”

Check that plant value, it is case sensitive

The problem with that is my plant value is blank. and i cannot find where to get the plant value


I’m not sure where you are at, so I hate to say things you already know, but I’ll just throw some things out there.

  1. Plant = Site. Plant = Site. Plant = Site. It’s just something you have to drill in your head.
  2. If you have only one site, it’s probably (always?) MfgSys
  3. If you have multiple, there are a dozen ways to figure it out. For example, Part Tracker (pic below). Or a BAQ. Or if you access to Site Maintenance, you could see a list.


  1. You may need to add the site to the part before adding the warehouse to the part. In the Part Entry screen, that’s in the new menu. Of course, there’s a DMT for that, too (Part Plant).
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