Looking for some feedback on how to approach this- When a user enters a new PO, I would like to default the due date for all lines, based on the Vendor ID entered in the header section. For example, when the Vendor ID is “Vendor X”, I would like to default the line’s due date to 2 weeks from today’s date. I am thinking that the trigger for the BPM would be on pressing SAVE?
Can someone guide me as to what BO I need to act upon and whether this would be a PRE or POST processing BPM? I tested on PO.Update to trigger a message box but was unsuccessful. I’m hoping this isn’t an unrealistic approach…
Try using Tracing, this is available through the main Epicor menu. Clear the trace then do the steps you are wanting to do when the BPM triggers, then review the trace. This will show all the business objects that were used during the steps you did while the trace was on. Be sure to turn tracing off when you are done. Hope this helps.
I may suggest you could have a UDfield On Vendor table with the number of days this supplier needs for delivery. Instead of forcing 2 weeks… (unless 2 weeks is for all of them !)
And I would follow Chris comment as use a custo in the form to have the date right away.
Just an FYI - there is a LEAD TIME days field on materials in the supplier price list.
it is specific to the supplier and part and must be setup - but it is standard epicor operation
Humm, forgot about that field… Al is right, that should be the way to go (I asked and that is what we use… ) It may be more work, but Epicor is using that field in material requirements in job Entry…
This Lead Time field is pretty much exactly what you’re looking for. As Al said, it is also located in Supplier Price List - which is where you can start the setup process for the specific vendors and parts.