Setting OrderDtl.MfgJobType on Order Entry based on Part.TypeCode

I successfully created a post-process BPM for setting OrderDtl.MfgJobType on Order Entry based on Part.TypeCode when a part is entered on the order, then started working on a BPM to do the same when converting from a quote before thinking “Why is this not already standard behavior”? Before I go and create a few more BPMs, can anyone tell me if there is a system checkbox somewhere that I missed?

Seems like if Part.TypeCode is set to P for “purchased”, then Order Entry should default to JobType “No Job”, rather than “Manufactured” which leads to printing an empty job traveler and other ill effects. I looked everywhere and can’t find an option for this behavior, just seems like there would be one.


This is the “Non-Stock” flag. When that checkbox is selected at the part level, MRP will NOT look at inventory to fulfill. Purchased parts will get a PO Suggestion, manufactured parts will get a Job Suggestion. There are SEVERAL enhancements/gotchas/nightmares associated with this, so as a suggestion I’d take a very careful look at the MRP Technical Reference manual and play with different settings until you find one that suits your environment.

it can also be set at the Plant level, so if you have a part number in multiple plants then each plant’s MRP can handle it differently.

As I said, enhancements…

That makes sense, and your answer pointed me to the issue. The parts at issue for us are primarily non-stock items that are not manufactured, but rather buy to order only. Those items don’t have an inventory location and would be checked as non-stock in the part master, but then based on that flag the quote-to-order conversion would enter them as manufactured, generating a job instead of a PO suggestion.

That led me to the Buy To Order field, which is where I found my problem. Some parts did not have that box ticked in Part>Sites>Detail. Part-on-the-fly parts were also defaulting to “make direct” instead of “Buy to Order”. I found a reference to both of these in field help for Buy To Order:

The default value for this is dependent on whether it is a part that has been defined in Part Maintenance and was entered into the Line > Details sheet, or is a non-part master part (one that has not been defined in Part Maintenance was entered:

  • If a part master part was entered, the default comes from the Default Buy To Order check box defined for this part in the Part Maintenance > Part > Sites > Details sheet. This check box is unavailable for parts defined as sales kits, or if the Make Direct check box has been selected in this sheet.
  • If a non-part master part was entered, the default comes from the Default Create field defined for the company in the Company Configuration > Modules > Sales > Orders sheet. If the Default Create field is set to Buy To Order , the check box appears as selected, and the Make Direct check box appears as cleared. If the Default Create field is set to Make To Order , the opposite occurs.

So it looks like the standard functionality is enough, we just weren’t using it correctly. Thanks.

It turns out that with the proper option checked in Company Config, parts on the fly do come in with the “Buy to Order” box ticked after converting a quote to order, but still show as MfgJobType=“Manufactured”.

Because the “Buy to Order” box is ticked, the Order Job Wizard doesn’t show that line as available for a job, which is correct. It appears that the “Job Type” field in that instance is just for reference, though I’ll probably still implement a BPM to correct it.