Depending on the picks in my Configuration, I can end up creating some additional lines on the order (outside of the Configurator). I need to set the job hours on an operation on one of those lines. Can I do that at the same time I am generating the line in the Order? Or would it be better to do that with a BPM? Ideas?
After mulling it over, I don’t think I can do this without making the separate line also a configured line - which I don’t want to do. So I am going down the BPM path. Setting up a data directive on JobOper. So now, my question is: is there a way to get data out of the Configured line’s configurator? Let’s assume I can use the job to get back to the order, pick the configured line, could I pull out information from that specific configuration? I have read a little and found that in my version (10.2.300) the table is not directly accessible but it is out there. Anyone have any advice? I’m assuming I’ll need to use some custom code, which I am comfortable with.
You are correct, it is not possible without also configuring the second line. One option though would be to have the second line as a no-inputs configurator which would ready data from the other configurator.
Otherwise options for getting that information from the configurator are any comment fields on the context of the configuration or custom fields. If you are really crazy I believe the actual values of the configurators are store in the PCInputs and PCInputValue tables in an XML format, I will say this is exceptionally a pain in the butt and it is easier to use comments. Now is the easier way also the right way, that you’ll have to decide.