I’ve customized the More Info (Erp.UI.JobAddlInfoView.dll) screen from Start Production , to add an FKV field. The customization works when I launch it with Developer mode on. However, I can’t figure out how to set the customization as the default.
I’ve tried the following steps:
Created a new Menu Item under Processes for More Job Info using Program Erp.UI.JobAddlInfoView.dll , but the Customization Pulldown is blank.
Tired naming the Customization the same as the customization of the calling Program, no luck.
Tired setting the customization to All Companies, no luck.
Tried using Process Calling Maintenance, no luck.
I’m out of ideas…
Here’s the Process Calling info and a screenshot.
Process Key: Erp.UI.JobAddlInfoView
Calling App: Erp.UI.StartProductionActivityEntry
Menu ID: JobInfo
If its a Sub-Form to the Main Form you will have to name the customization the same. However sometimes it is its own form and in that case you need to use Process Calling Maintenance and redirect it.
Thats where this comes into play:
Process Key: Erp.UI.JobAddlInfoView
Calling App: Erp.UI.StartProductionActivityEntry
I have the same info on this post (regards to process calling maint) check it out:
Make sure that your Customizations are both marked as “All Companies” and one isnt set as Company Specific, while the other is All Companies, it doesnt like mixing. Remember sometimes you have to restart the Epicor Client for Securities and Menus to Refresh.
For this guy the Companies didnt match between Parent and Sub-Form.
If you did it, can we just see screenshots of both the Start Activities Customization Selection Form and the Child forms (which you have above of course). Just for sanity and clarity.
Also when you show up there that the Customization list is Blank. Wasn’t there an Epicor bug in a version where it didnt show Company Specific or maybe All Companies customizations… anyone remember @ckrusen@Banderson it might have been in Version: 10.2.200.xx which you may be using?
Menu Maintenance is broken for several DLLs where you cannot apply customization - versions 200.8 - 200.11. The issue has been fixed in 200.12 under ERPS-95829 and there is a HotFix available from support.
Some of the Epicor UI DLLs contain references for multiple different Forms. Some of those Forms are internally addressed (not available for adding to a menu) and some can be externally addressed as the Form to load when a menu option is selected. Since the Customizations are keyed by Form name and not DLL reference, Menu Maintenance needs to know which Forms are “Externally” available in order to show the Customizations in the dropdown Combo. A change made in 200.8 was designed to address a problem with displaying the appropriate customizations and while that update corrected the initial reported problem, it caused a new problem for a handful of other DLLs / Forms.
On Friday I was playing around with the arguments to add the customization via BAQ, but I couldn’t get it to work. But I wasn’t super thorough with the rest of the set up either, so it could be something else that didn’t let it work for me.
I am not sure why it doesnt show up in the drop-down, but it shows up in the Customization Selection for me too.
One thing I did see different is between the other buttons on the Start Production Screen is that it listens to any button click on that form and goes into a switch statement and the case for MoreInfo uses Start() method to launch the form, while typically others use LaunchForm().
So maybe you replace the button with your own button and use LaunchForm and target your new Menu ID, still passing in LFO and parsing it on the other end.
Is Start() an explicit start, while LaunchForm is not? Its basically launching the dll directly hm…
Gist from Looking at Code:
case "Start.MoreInfo":
int AsmSeq = 0;
string JobNum = "";
int OprSeq = 0;
int CrewSize = 0;
AsmSeq = (int) this.startView.dataView[0]["AssemblySeq"];
JobNum = this.startView.dataView[0]["JobNum"].ToString();
OprSeq = (int) this.startView.dataView[0]["OprSeq"];
Erp.UI.App.JobAddlInfoView.JobAddlInfoArgs.Start(this, JobNum, AsmSeq, OprSeq, CrewSize, true);
case "Start.Overrides":
string group = this.StartView.dataView[0]["ResourceGrpID"].ToString();
string op = this.StartView.dataView[0]["OpCode"].ToString();
LaunchFormOptions launchOpts = new LaunchFormOptions();
launchOpts.IsModal = true;
launchOpts.ValueIn = string.Format("{0}~{1}", group, op);
object result = ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(this, "Erp.UI.OverridesEntry", launchOpts, true);
It may be just that its explicitly calling a static perhaps Erp.UI.App.JobAddlInfoView.JobAddlInfoArgs.Start bypassing the usual Epicor stuff. So replace button and invoke call yourself.
@nhutchins On second thought… I went to my lab and did just a quick dirty sql to update the process. Because there is a PROCESS Menu for it in Menu Maintenance called Job Details.
UPDATE Ice.Menu SET Arguments = '-c HASO' WHERE Program LIKE '%jobadd%inf%'
Restarted my Epicor client and my Customization opened.
Last thing you could also do is clear your cache, have Epicor Client redownload I think there is a process xref xml (or atleast used to be).
Thanks, @hkeric.wci. So, it looks like the root cause is an issue with the Menu Maintenance screen not showing the customization in the pull-down. Meaning when you apply the customization manual (through SQL) it works correctly, there is just no way to do that through the UI.