SessionMod.svc Error During New Task Agent Configuration

Might anyone know why I would be receiving this error during a new Epicor Server install - at the point where I add/configure a new task agent:


What should I be validating here?


  • EAC has already attached the existing SQL DB.
  • EAC has already added the application server.
  • I cannot start the application pool on the server (I had assumed this was because of the task agent not being configured yet)

Thank you.

I only see this kind of error when the app server or sql server memory is way too high. Do you see any of that?

Looks like 82% of total allocation:


How about the app server?

I would enable server trace using AppServer.config settings to see the full error.
There should be something on the Event Viewer as well.

The task agent is separate from the app server, it is not needed to start the pool. Are you getting the same error on EAC?

Are you sure you have net.tcp enabled? or is it https?

And yes, usually when the server is at or over 95% memory usage it won’t create any service instance, including SessionMod.

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If it is a memory error, there will be a message in event viewer. Check messages there in Applicationand Epicor App server logs.
Can you open that URL in browser, after replacing net.tcp:// with https://?

Scenario 1:
Go to the IIS settings, see if a extension you recently applied tried to bind to a specific ip address, remove the specific ip address… Basically double check your IIS Bindings and set it back to * 443 (sometimes deploying lets say EDD will set it to or net.tcp

Scenario 2:
Same go to IIS Settings and see if it changed your service account (RunAs). I’ve had also extension reset my service account back to the default. Your IIS Poll should probably be running as YOURDOMAIN\SomeUser

Thanks for all of the responses.

@Aaron_Moreng : Looks like the SQL server resources takes up between 12% to 15% of total memory allocation. I do not see an active Epicor app server process anywhere in the list of active apps, or background processes (using Task Manager), where I could note how much memory is being used. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong spot for that information.

@Jonathan : That error is being produced by the EAC when I try to create a new task agent for the Epicor application. There were no events related to Epicor in “Windows Logs >> Application” or “Applications and Services Logs >> Epicor App Server”, which is odd:


Both “net.tcp” and “https” protocols are available to edit in the Site Bindings configuration for IIS Manager, so I’m assuming that they are enabled and ready to use:


@Olga : I don’t seem to have anything in the event viewer that would indicate anything related to Epicor - and that includes the Epicor App Server logs, which contain no entries at all. I do find that strange because I’ve been producing this same error over and over since yesterday afternoon. I can browse the main URL indicated in the EAC error message, but only after acknowledging a certificate error detected by the browser. This may be what’s causing my issue (I really don’t know) but it’s odd that EAC would allow me to deploy the Epicor app using that same certificate.

@hkeric.wci : I haven’t yet deployed any extensions, which I certainly plan to do, because I am working through the task agent issue currently. The blacked out “DOMAIN/serviceaccount” referenced below is the correct service account that was configured for the Epicor application:


Not sure which way to swing the wrecking ball here. It is strange that I have no log entries in the Epicor App Server log section - and of course the certificate error reported by the browser when simply trying to browse the HTTPS site via IIS needs to be addressed.

Not sure I did the best job of helping you guys to help me, but I do appreciate all of the input.

I was thinking the app server (not sql) might need to be checked too. Just last week I started getting those weird errors and app server was consuming 97 percent memory, had to restart

So if you navigate to https://domain/service/Ice/Lib/SessionMod.svc after passing the cert security warning do you see the service being generated correctly, like below

After doing this, do you have a w3wp process and can you try again to setup the task agent?

Try with both net.tcp and https, with their respective bindings in Task Agent config and see if one of them works. Also see what the certificate has as domain and use that in the URL so there is no warning.

@Jonathan : Negative. I receive an HTTP 503 error (which indicates that the service is not available)

Also - I think I fixed my certificate error so, that shouldn’t be a worry for me now.

When I try to connect to the Epicor application via EAC, EAC responds with these details:

The message could not be dispatched because the service at the endpoint address 'blah.blah.blah' is unavailable for the protocol of the address.

Can you go to Application Pools and make sure the Pool is also running as Service Account.

@hkeric.wci : The application pool identity was not previously set for the Epicor service account. I just changed that now:


When I look at the Application Pool list, all pools are now set with the Epicor service account as the pool identity:


I did make an attempt to start the “Production” application pool (as you see, it is stopped in the pool list), but it did not stay persistent and, within just a few seconds, reverted back to a stopped state on its own.

you will be only able to connect after you start it. There must be error logged for this.

@Olga : There was nothing of note in any of the application-specific logs:


BUT – after checking the security log (which I didn’t do previously), it appears that the service account is not set up properly somewhere:


The three audit failures you see at the top of the list are logon type “5” failures, which are directly related to logons that are initiated by the Service Control Manager. These audit failures also identify the service account by name so, I know it’s definitely the one I had set up for authenticating Epicor service processes.

This is likely the issue, so I’m going to see if I can figure out what I missed there in setting up that service account.

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Is there really nothing on the ServerLog.txt? That would mean whatever is failing is before logging even starts, so it does seem like some kind of security/service issue somewhere but I don’t think I’ve run into it.

If there is nothing in ServerLog that tells me your AppServer.config is probably corrupt :slight_smile: I have seen that too, adding 1 wrong character and the boot-up is cryptic (doesnt start). (Not web.config but appserver.config where you can enable trace flags)

Lastly I have also seen web.config somehow comment out certificate section and then nothing started. Thats especially after you have additional bindings to work with like QuickShip.

it is not getting to our stuff, it fails before.

@Aaron_Moreng / @Jonathan / @Olga / @hkeric.wci :

Thanks again for everyone’s input.

The issue has been resolved. It appears there had been a few internal group policy settings related to network and domain security that were not applied to that specific service account prior to its use. I am not aware of what those settings might have been, because our IT Department administers and manages those accounts. So, unfortunately, I won’t be able to convey any of that information to the thread.

So, this was definitely NOT an Epicor-specific issue, but more of an issue with security-specific GPOs on the user account.

Sorry to have wasted everyone’s time with this, but I didn’t really expect that since I’ve run through this process several times in the past and have not had to deal directly with security on the service account.

Nonetheless - you guys are terrific with your support and suggestions and I am always pleased with, and amazed by, the helpfulness of this community.