Service Connect - update single row from a table

I am trying to use Service Connect and need some assistance.

The specific part I am having trouble with is creating a new part revision. I know I need to call the Part.GetByID to get a part dataset then call Part.GetNewPartRev to create the new Rev and that is all fine. Now I don’t know how to edit the new rev I have just created before I call Part.Update to save. The part data will have many revisions in the PartRev table so how to I single out the new revision and edit it in the XML mapper??


  1. Right-click the target element e.g. “PartRev” in the right pane.
  2. Choose Edit Condition on the menu.
  3. Enter XPath expression that defines condition e.g. RevisionNum = {New RevisionNum} etc. Refer below screenshot.
    It filters a new revision record based on condition and you can edit it in the XML mapper(In next Conversion).

Service Connect XPath Filter record condition menu

Dnyanraj Patil

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Thanks Dnyanraj,

I will have a look at that and read up on it in the manual.
