Service Connect: converting values to strings

I’m having trouble converting my incoming values from an excel spreadsheet into strings. The data appears to be present in all nodes from the tracing. My schema’s are defined as all string values.
I’ve tried using the functoid palette to convert the incoming values to strings, but that appears to not work for me. Is there a trick to this?

can you describe where in the process it’s breaking down for you?

I’m cycling on a node from the top level workflow. I set up the sub workflow schema too.

When it enters the sub-workflow, it passes the data into parameters that are used to execute a stored procedure.

The stored procedure inserts records into a database. The cycling works flawlessly and inserts string values correctly. All date and numeric values are skipped though.

The table it’s being inserted into from the stored procedure has fields that are all string values as well.

Additionally, this is the workflow without any conversions. I’ve tried using the functoid palette to map an incoming non-string value to a string value, but that did not work the way I did it. So, hopefully someone can point my in the right direction for that.


  1. Can you post a screenshot of stored procedure variables declaration?
  2. Can you post a screenshot of the sub-workflow using the conversions?

Here’s the sub workflow conversion

And here’s the stored procedure variable declarations:

Can you post a screenshot of the schema detail?
Can you make a test mapping the functions to a string process variables, instead to mapping to the schema fields?

subworkflow schema:

Mapped process variable into function:

Saved, and ran the workflow and the result was the same.

Here’s an interesting thing. On the document trace, during the conversion step, the data does something weird:

It looks like it was set to my Number01Str was set by my process variable, but you can see that the rest of the non-string values have been dropped at this step.

Are the parent workflow and subworkflow using the same schema?

Can you make a test using the mapping in this way?, from the Number01str to the variable and check the trace

I attempted that but I get this message:

My top level schema is different than my sub workflow schema. On the top level, I have a multiple-row type schema but in the sub workflow, it is defined as a row-only type.

I’m tired :slight_smile: I re-mapped it like you specified, but the result is identical.

I ran into a similar situation where I had to read EXCEL file data.

I cannot recall how I resolve it, but some rules that I follow is:

  1. Make sure file format is EXCEL 2003. I think ESC struggle to import EXCEL 2016 file.

  2. Check the data format in EXCEL to see if it is Text, general or date, etc. If you are converting string value from EXCEL to EPICOR XML, set them as Text.

Are you sure the Number and Date values are passing from de parent workflow to the subworkflow?

From the trace, it definitely looks like the values are coming into the sub workflow:

The file is in excel 1997-2003 format. In the excel file itself, it looks like the format for the numeric fields are “general” while the date fields are in a custom date format.
I would think that it would fail to even be consumed into the workflow if the schema data types didn’t match the expected, but perhaps that’s not true.


The cause of the problem it is in the subworkflow schema, the fields must have the same name of the file that you are processing, also, with the same name of the parent subworkflow, without the “Str”

Thank you Jaicker, I really appreciate your help. That solved it!

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