Service Connect/BPM Error

I am calling a service connect workflow via BPM. When I first created
this BPM and triggered it, it worked...but after the first day of
working it stopped. I am not getting an "Unexpected error" in vantage
when BPM triggers this service connect workflow. When I look at my app
server log I see the following error:

Web service operation LaunchWorkflow generated a SOAP Fault. SOAP
faultstring is: An invalid security token was provided (11506)

Has anyone seen this error? Or does anyone have any suggestions for me.

So far tech support has been very un helpful.

Thanks for your help.

Michelle de la Vega

Business Applications Manager

Cold Jet, LLC
455 Wards Corner Road
Loveland, Ohio 45140
513-716-6400 (direct)

513-382-3281 (cell)
513-831-1209 (fax)

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