We are getting the following Server Side Exception when trying to ship a job from manufacturing. It is marked Make to Order but when we try and do the shipping process it throws the following error. We can work around this by receiving the part to inventory and then shipping but I am trying to find out why we are unable to just ship it normally. Any help would be appreciated.
Server Side Exception
BPM runtime caught an unexpected exception of ‘InvalidOperationException’ type.
See more info in the Inner Exception section of Exception Details.
Exception caught in: Epicor.ServiceModel
Error Detail
Correlation ID: 55c9917a-ec77-4180-a566-ed1c66a7a1de
Description: BPM runtime caught an unexpected exception of ‘InvalidOperationException’ type.
See more info in the Inner Exception section of Exception Details.
Program: EntityFramework.dll
Method: VerifyRootForAdd
Original Exception Type: InvalidOperationException Framework Method: Update Framework Line Number: 124 Framework Column Number: 13 Framework Source: Update at offset 34 in file:line:column C:_Releases\ICE\UD10.2.600.8FW\Source\Framework\Epicor.System\Data\IceDataContextExtensions.cs:124:13
Client Stack Trace
at Epicor.ServiceModel.Channels.ImplBase`1.ShouldRethrowNonRetryableException(Exception ex, DataSet[] dataSets)
at Erp.Proxy.BO.CustShipImpl.UpdateMaster(CustShipDataSet ds, Boolean doValidateCreditHold, Boolean doCheckShipDtl, Boolean doLotValidation, Boolean doCheckOrderComplete, Boolean doPostUpdate, Boolean doCheckCompliance, Boolean ipShippedFlagChanged, Int32 ipPackNum, Int32 ipBTCustNum, String& opReleaseMessage, String& opCompleteMessage, String& opShippingMessage, String& opLotMessage, String& opInventoryMessage, String& opLockQtyMessage, String& opAllocationMessage, String& opPartListNeedsAttr, String& opLotListNeedsAttr, String& shipCreditMsg, Boolean& cError, Boolean& compError, String& msg, String& opPostUpdMessage, Boolean& updateComplete, Boolean& checkComplianceError, Boolean& changeStatusError, Boolean& checkShipDtlAgain)
at Erp.Adapters.CustShipAdapter.UpdateMaster(Boolean doValidateCreditHold, Boolean doCheckShipDtl, Boolean doLotValidation, Boolean doCheckOrderComplete, Boolean doPostUpdate, Boolean doCheckCompliance, Boolean ipShippedFlagChanged, Int32 ipPackNum, Int32 ipBTCustNum, String& opReleaseMessage, String& opCompleteMessage, String& opShippingMessage, String& opLotMessage, String& opInventoryMessage, String& opLockQtyMessage, String& opAllocationMessage, String& opPartListNeedsAttr, String& opLotListNeedsAttr, String& shipCreditMsg, Boolean& cError, Boolean& compError, String& msg, String& opPostUpdMessage, Boolean& updateComplete, Boolean& checkComplianceError, Boolean& changeStatusError, Boolean& checkShipDtlAgain)
at Erp.UI.App.CustShipEntry.Transaction.Update()
Inner Exception
The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in an unchanged state.