Serialized purchased parts have varying length serial numbers

We are currently implementing Kinetic. I have successfully setup a serial number mask for one of our purchased parts, based on the 16 digit serial number that was on the first few invoices from this supplier. My initial mask was a combination of numeric and alphanumeric characters and was working well.

Today, I received an invoice with a 17 digit serial number (initial number was 1-9, went to 10). I tried creating a new mask with all alphanumeric characters and an “!” at the end as an optional alphanumeric character, but could not enter a serial number (either 16 or 17 characters). How can I track serial numbers for a single purchased part when they are not all the same length? I can’t have two parts numbers (I’d never keep inventory/demand straight). Has anyone else had this situation and found a solution?

If you are just purchasing the parts and not manufacturing them, I would not use a mask. Just have them be serial tracked and whatever the serial number is that comes in, enter it in the field.


Thank you John, that makes perfect sense. Silly me for listening to a consultant tell me I had to set a mask for every part that was serialized. I should have spent more time looking at the serial number setup, instead of just doing what I was told.

Hi Dori,

I agree with John to use alphanumeric for entry of other company’s serial numbers for parts. One word of caution, train your folks to all enter the serial numbers the same way. Otherwise it’ll be a mess when some use hyphen here some use space others put text SN first, etc. About 3 years into our use in Epicor we had to do a major cleanup effort. It can be amazing how creative folks get with their data entry :upside_down_face:


Good advice Nancy. Right now, we only have one person in the warehouse, and I will emphasize that she has to type the serial numbers exactly as they are on the pack slip.


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