I was going to respond to the below thread, but I got the warning that Necroposting is discouraged, hence the new post: Serial Matching - ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (epiusers.help)
I have the following code. While it is incomplete, I am following the trace I performed, and sadly running OnChangeMtlSerialNo() I get “Serial Match Material record not found.”
I appreciate your time! Once I get this figured out I am going to share the code with the community so no one else is stuck on this process. I already posted my code that performs the steps for serial number assignment.
Here is my code thus far:
// Loop through our serials and perform matching
foreach (var serialNum in selectedSerialNumbersTS.SelectedSerialNumbers)
var serialNumber = serialNum.SerialNumber;
var partNum = serialNum.PartNum;
string opRevMsg;
string opnoBOMMsg;
var serialNumberMatchingTS = serialMatchingSvc.ChangeSerialNum(serialNumber, partNum, String.Empty, jobNum, assemblySeq, out opRevMsg, out opnoBOMMsg);
string opQuestion;
serialMatchingSvc.ValidateAssembly(jobNum, assemblySeq, out opQuestion, ref serialNumberMatchingTS);
serialMatchingSvc.OnChangeMtlSerialNo("J", serialNumber, mtlSeq, ref serialNumberMatchingTS);
debugMsg("Serial Matching TS", serialNumberMatchingTS);
Here is what my Serial Number Matching tableset looks like befor ethe OnChangeMtlSerialNo call:
"PartDescription":"Precision Part, Machined, 83mm",
"AsmblPartDesc":"Precision Part, Machined, 83mm",
"ParentPartDesc":"Precision Part, Machined, 83mm",
"MtlPartDesc":"Preform,Precision Part 83mm",