Sending Parameters to a BAQ in code

Getting the where items formatted properly can be a challenge. I start with no where item to make sure I am getting something. Then with a single where item and see if I get a result. And then build from there. I usually use the BL tester to get the where values correct, then move it over to the code.

Jim K

--- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@...> wrote:
> Jim,
> Interesting. I tried the code (struggling with C#)
> I get an empty result table. Does have headers!
> Here is what I have:
> String startDate = epiDateTimeEditorC1.Value.ToString();
> String endDate = epiDateTimeEditorC2.Value.ToString();
> String BaqID = "DTSF-FilteredWeeklyTimeExport";
> QueryDesignDataSet ds;
> String pcQueryID = BaqID;
> String pcTable = "LaborDtl";
> String pcField = "PayrollDate";
> String pcCondition = "=";
> Boolean pbIsConst = true;
> String pcValue = String.Empty;
> String pcToTable = String.Empty;
> String pcToField = String.Empty;
> String pcLeftParentheses = String.Empty;
> String pcRightParentheses = String.Empty;
> String pcAndOr = String.Empty;
> Boolean pbNeg = false;
> DynamicQueryAdapter adDynamic = new DynamicQueryAdapter(UD35Form);
> adDynamic.BOConnect();
> adDynamic.GetByID(BaqID);
> ds = adDynamic.QueryDesignData;
> pcValue = startDate;
> pcAndOr = "";
> pcCondition = ">=";
> adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr,pbNeg);
> pcValue = endDate;
> pcAndOr = "And"; //String.Empty;
> pcCondition = "<=";
> adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr,pbNeg);
> adDynamic.Execute(ds);
> DataSet Dset = adDynamic.QueryResults;
> epiUltraGridC1.DataSource = Dset;
> Jeff Sanders
> --- In, "jckinneman" <jckinneman@> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Since you are on 9 this should accomplish the same end result. For 9 I recommend using C#. Epicor and the tools are starting to favor C#.
> >
> > Converting this to VB is fairly simple, you might be able to run it through a C# to VB converter that you can find via Google.
> >
> > In this example I am searching for a BOL Number, you can use any table field that is on the BAQ not just the display fields, in your case you can search on any field that is in labordtl,
> >
> > String BaqID = "your-baq-name-goes-here";
> > QueryDesignDataSet ds;
> > // this is used with the whereitem call to adjust the selection criteria
> >
> > String pcQueryID = BaqID;
> > String pcTable = "BOLHead";
> > String pcField = "BOLNum";
> > String pcCondition = "=";
> > Boolean pbIsConst = true;
> > String pcValue = String.Empty;
> > String pcToTable = String.Empty;
> > String pcToField = String.Empty;
> > String pcLeftParentheses = String.Empty;
> > String pcRightParentheses = String.Empty;
> > String pcAndOr = String.Empty;
> > Boolean pbNeg = false;
> > // If selection criteria is needed we need
> > // to load the query and then add selection criteria before running it instead
> > // of directly executing it.
> >
> > DynamicQueryAdapter adDynamic = new DynamicQueryAdapter(BAQReportForm);
> > adDynamic.BOConnect();
> > // if BAQ needed no selection criteria you could run it directly
> > //adDynamic.ExecuteByID(BaqID);
> > // to add selection criteria first have to retrieve it
> > // BaqID would have your BAQ Name in it
> > adDynamic.GetByID(BaqID);
> > ds = adDynamic.QueryDesignData;
> > pcValue = "23" // bolnum
> >
> > adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr, pbNeg);
> > // repeat the above command adding all the criteria you need. If needed you can put in parentheses, AND's and OR's
> > // this is the BO you are using when you are designing the BAQ so you can pretty much do anything you can do in the BAQ Designer.
> > adDynamic.Execute(ds);
> > // adDynamic.QueryResults now has the results of the BAQ, it has all the display fields you put on the BAQ
> > // there only one table.
> >
> > adDynamic.QueryResults.Tables[0].WriteXml("BAQ Report DataSet.xml",XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
> >
> > Happy to answer any questions,
> >
> > Jim Kinneman
> > Senior Consultant
> > Encompass Solutions, Inc
> >
> >
> > --- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 9.05.600C
> > >
> > > I've searched everywhere I know to search for answers to this to no avail. If I figure this out I will post it in the files section for this group.
> > >
> > > I am trying to send two parameters to a BAQ to filter the results using the ExecuteByIDParametrized method of the Dynamic Query Adapter. I want to get the labordtl records for the last payroll period into correct format to export to our payroll system. (Long story)
> > >
> > > I have a BAQ with two parameters. FirstDate and LastDate. You can see my screen shot of the BAQ Query Phrase in a zip file I uploaded in the Files section:
> > > " "
> > >
> > > I also included three screenshots of the BL tester showing the Execution Parameters and the results. It works.
> > >
> > > I am having problems getting the execution parameters into the QueryExecutionDataSet (var=execSet). I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone have a clue? I've tried guessing without success. Where would I find documentation?
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > Jeff Sanders
> > >
> >

I've searched everywhere I know to search for answers to this to no avail. If I figure this out I will post it in the files section for this group.

I am trying to send two parameters to a BAQ to filter the results using the ExecuteByIDParametrized method of the Dynamic Query Adapter. I want to get the labordtl records for the last payroll period into correct format to export to our payroll system. (Long story)

I have a BAQ with two parameters. FirstDate and LastDate. You can see my screen shot of the BAQ Query Phrase in a zip file I uploaded in the Files section:
" "

I also included three screenshots of the BL tester showing the Execution Parameters and the results. It works.

I am having problems getting the execution parameters into the QueryExecutionDataSet (var=execSet). I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone have a clue? I've tried guessing without success. Where would I find documentation?

Thanks in advance,
Jeff Sanders
Since you are on 9 this should accomplish the same end result. For 9 I recommend using C#. Epicor and the tools are starting to favor C#.

Converting this to VB is fairly simple, you might be able to run it through a C# to VB converter that you can find via Google.

In this example I am searching for a BOL Number, you can use any table field that is on the BAQ not just the display fields, in your case you can search on any field that is in labordtl,

String BaqID = "your-baq-name-goes-here";
QueryDesignDataSet ds;
// this is used with the whereitem call to adjust the selection criteria

String pcQueryID = BaqID;
String pcTable = "BOLHead";
String pcField = "BOLNum";
String pcCondition = "=";
Boolean pbIsConst = true;
String pcValue = String.Empty;
String pcToTable = String.Empty;
String pcToField = String.Empty;
String pcLeftParentheses = String.Empty;
String pcRightParentheses = String.Empty;
String pcAndOr = String.Empty;
Boolean pbNeg = false;
// If selection criteria is needed we need
// to load the query and then add selection criteria before running it instead
// of directly executing it.

DynamicQueryAdapter adDynamic = new DynamicQueryAdapter(BAQReportForm);
// if BAQ needed no selection criteria you could run it directly
// to add selection criteria first have to retrieve it
// BaqID would have your BAQ Name in it
ds = adDynamic.QueryDesignData;
pcValue = "23" // bolnum

adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr, pbNeg);
// repeat the above command adding all the criteria you need. If needed you can put in parentheses, AND's and OR's
// this is the BO you are using when you are designing the BAQ so you can pretty much do anything you can do in the BAQ Designer.
// adDynamic.QueryResults now has the results of the BAQ, it has all the display fields you put on the BAQ
// there only one table.

adDynamic.QueryResults.Tables[0].WriteXml("BAQ Report DataSet.xml",XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);

Happy to answer any questions,

Jim Kinneman
Senior Consultant
Encompass Solutions, Inc

--- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@...> wrote:
> 9.05.600C
> I've searched everywhere I know to search for answers to this to no avail. If I figure this out I will post it in the files section for this group.
> I am trying to send two parameters to a BAQ to filter the results using the ExecuteByIDParametrized method of the Dynamic Query Adapter. I want to get the labordtl records for the last payroll period into correct format to export to our payroll system. (Long story)
> I have a BAQ with two parameters. FirstDate and LastDate. You can see my screen shot of the BAQ Query Phrase in a zip file I uploaded in the Files section:
> " "
> I also included three screenshots of the BL tester showing the Execution Parameters and the results. It works.
> I am having problems getting the execution parameters into the QueryExecutionDataSet (var=execSet). I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone have a clue? I've tried guessing without success. Where would I find documentation?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff Sanders
Here is the code I am currently trying:

Dim startDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC1.Value
Dim endDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC2.Value
Dim baqID as string = "DTSF-WeeklyTimeExport"
Dim DQadpt As DynamicQueryAdapter = New DynamicQueryAdapter(UD35Form)
dim topNRecords as int32 = 100000
dim hasMoreRecords as boolean = true
dim resultFieldList as string = ""
Dim execSet As Epicor.Mfg.BO.QueryExecutionDataSet = DQadpt.GetQueryExecutionParametersByID(baqID)

'This returns three tables:
' ExecutionFilter
' ExecutionParameter
' ExecutionValueSetItems
for each table as DataTable in execSet.tables"Table=" & table.tableName)
next table

'Need to get the execution parameters into the ExecutionParameter
'table in execSet

dim targetRow as DataRow
dim tbl as DataTable = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter")
targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
targetRow("ParameterName") = "FirstDate"
targetRow("ParameterValue") = startDate
targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"

'Also tried : targetRow = tbl.NewRow()

targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
targetRow("ParameterName") = "LastDate"
targetRow("ParameterValue") = endDate
targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"

'These currently show zero rows"Number of rows=" & cstr(tbl.rows.count))"Number of rows=" & cstr(execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").rows.count))

DQadpt.ExecuteByIDParametrized(baqID, execSet, resultFieldList, topNRecords, hasMoreRecords)
dim dSet as DataSet = DQadpt.QueryResults
epiUltraGridC1.datasource = dSet
Once you have populated the new row with values, don't you need to add the row to the table?

dim targetRow as DataRow
dim tbl as DataTable = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter")
targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
targetRow("ParameterName") = "FirstDate"
targetRow("ParameterValue") = startDate
targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"


--- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@...> wrote:
> Here is the code I am currently trying:
> Dim startDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC1.Value
> Dim endDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC2.Value
> Dim baqID as string = "DTSF-WeeklyTimeExport"
> Dim DQadpt As DynamicQueryAdapter = New DynamicQueryAdapter(UD35Form)
> DQadpt.BOConnect()
> dim topNRecords as int32 = 100000
> dim hasMoreRecords as boolean = true
> dim resultFieldList as string = ""
> Dim execSet As Epicor.Mfg.BO.QueryExecutionDataSet = DQadpt.GetQueryExecutionParametersByID(baqID)
> 'This returns three tables:
> ' ExecutionFilter
> ' ExecutionParameter
> ' ExecutionValueSetItems
> for each table as DataTable in execSet.tables
>"Table=" & table.tableName)
> next table
> 'Need to get the execution parameters into the ExecutionParameter
> 'table in execSet
> dim targetRow as DataRow
> dim tbl as DataTable = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter")
> targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
> targetRow("ParameterName") = "FirstDate"
> targetRow("ParameterValue") = startDate
> targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
> targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
> targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"
> 'Also tried : targetRow = tbl.NewRow()
> targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
> targetRow("ParameterName") = "LastDate"
> targetRow("ParameterValue") = endDate
> targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
> targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
> targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"
> 'These currently show zero rows
>"Number of rows=" & cstr(tbl.rows.count))
>"Number of rows=" & cstr(execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").rows.count))
> DQadpt.ExecuteByIDParametrized(baqID, execSet, resultFieldList, topNRecords, hasMoreRecords)
> dim dSet as DataSet = DQadpt.QueryResults
> epiUltraGridC1.datasource = dSet
> DQadpt.Dispose()

Interesting. I tried the code (struggling with C#)

I get an empty result table. Does have headers!

Here is what I have:

String startDate = epiDateTimeEditorC1.Value.ToString();
String endDate = epiDateTimeEditorC2.Value.ToString();
String BaqID = "DTSF-FilteredWeeklyTimeExport";
QueryDesignDataSet ds;

String pcQueryID = BaqID;
String pcTable = "LaborDtl";
String pcField = "PayrollDate";
String pcCondition = "=";
Boolean pbIsConst = true;
String pcValue = String.Empty;
String pcToTable = String.Empty;
String pcToField = String.Empty;
String pcLeftParentheses = String.Empty;
String pcRightParentheses = String.Empty;
String pcAndOr = String.Empty;
Boolean pbNeg = false;
DynamicQueryAdapter adDynamic = new DynamicQueryAdapter(UD35Form);
ds = adDynamic.QueryDesignData;

pcValue = startDate;
pcAndOr = "";
pcCondition = ">=";
adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr,pbNeg);

pcValue = endDate;
pcAndOr = "And"; //String.Empty;
pcCondition = "<=";
adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr,pbNeg);


DataSet Dset = adDynamic.QueryResults;
epiUltraGridC1.DataSource = Dset;

Jeff Sanders

--- In, "jckinneman" <jckinneman@...> wrote:
> Since you are on 9 this should accomplish the same end result. For 9 I recommend using C#. Epicor and the tools are starting to favor C#.
> Converting this to VB is fairly simple, you might be able to run it through a C# to VB converter that you can find via Google.
> In this example I am searching for a BOL Number, you can use any table field that is on the BAQ not just the display fields, in your case you can search on any field that is in labordtl,
> String BaqID = "your-baq-name-goes-here";
> QueryDesignDataSet ds;
> // this is used with the whereitem call to adjust the selection criteria
> String pcQueryID = BaqID;
> String pcTable = "BOLHead";
> String pcField = "BOLNum";
> String pcCondition = "=";
> Boolean pbIsConst = true;
> String pcValue = String.Empty;
> String pcToTable = String.Empty;
> String pcToField = String.Empty;
> String pcLeftParentheses = String.Empty;
> String pcRightParentheses = String.Empty;
> String pcAndOr = String.Empty;
> Boolean pbNeg = false;
> // If selection criteria is needed we need
> // to load the query and then add selection criteria before running it instead
> // of directly executing it.
> DynamicQueryAdapter adDynamic = new DynamicQueryAdapter(BAQReportForm);
> adDynamic.BOConnect();
> // if BAQ needed no selection criteria you could run it directly
> //adDynamic.ExecuteByID(BaqID);
> // to add selection criteria first have to retrieve it
> // BaqID would have your BAQ Name in it
> adDynamic.GetByID(BaqID);
> ds = adDynamic.QueryDesignData;
> pcValue = "23" // bolnum
> adDynamic.AddWhereItem(ds, pcQueryID, pcTable, pcField, pcCondition, pbIsConst, pcValue, pcToTable, pcToField, pcLeftParentheses, pcRightParentheses, pcAndOr, pbNeg);
> // repeat the above command adding all the criteria you need. If needed you can put in parentheses, AND's and OR's
> // this is the BO you are using when you are designing the BAQ so you can pretty much do anything you can do in the BAQ Designer.
> adDynamic.Execute(ds);
> // adDynamic.QueryResults now has the results of the BAQ, it has all the display fields you put on the BAQ
> // there only one table.
> adDynamic.QueryResults.Tables[0].WriteXml("BAQ Report DataSet.xml",XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
> Happy to answer any questions,
> Jim Kinneman
> Senior Consultant
> Encompass Solutions, Inc
> --- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@> wrote:
> >
> > 9.05.600C
> >
> > I've searched everywhere I know to search for answers to this to no avail. If I figure this out I will post it in the files section for this group.
> >
> > I am trying to send two parameters to a BAQ to filter the results using the ExecuteByIDParametrized method of the Dynamic Query Adapter. I want to get the labordtl records for the last payroll period into correct format to export to our payroll system. (Long story)
> >
> > I have a BAQ with two parameters. FirstDate and LastDate. You can see my screen shot of the BAQ Query Phrase in a zip file I uploaded in the Files section:
> > " "
> >
> > I also included three screenshots of the BL tester showing the Execution Parameters and the results. It works.
> >
> > I am having problems getting the execution parameters into the QueryExecutionDataSet (var=execSet). I can't find any documentation on this. Anyone have a clue? I've tried guessing without success. Where would I find documentation?
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Jeff Sanders
> >
You nailed it! That was it. Thanks!

I'll post the final VB code shortly. I need to add the export to CSV functionality now.

If I get the C# code working, I'll post it as well.

Jeff Sanders

--- In, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> Once you have populated the new row with values, don't you need to add the row to the table?
> dim targetRow as DataRow
> dim tbl as DataTable = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter")
> targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
> targetRow("ParameterName") = "FirstDate"
> targetRow("ParameterValue") = startDate
> targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
> targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
> targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"
> tbl.Rows.Add(targetRow)
> --- In, "jeffery_p_sanders" <jps@> wrote:
> >
> > Here is the code I am currently trying:
> >
> > Dim startDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC1.Value
> > Dim endDate as string = epiDateTimeEditorC2.Value
> > Dim baqID as string = "DTSF-WeeklyTimeExport"
> > Dim DQadpt As DynamicQueryAdapter = New DynamicQueryAdapter(UD35Form)
> > DQadpt.BOConnect()
> > dim topNRecords as int32 = 100000
> > dim hasMoreRecords as boolean = true
> > dim resultFieldList as string = ""
> > Dim execSet As Epicor.Mfg.BO.QueryExecutionDataSet = DQadpt.GetQueryExecutionParametersByID(baqID)
> >
> > 'This returns three tables:
> > ' ExecutionFilter
> > ' ExecutionParameter
> > ' ExecutionValueSetItems
> > for each table as DataTable in execSet.tables
> >"Table=" & table.tableName)
> > next table
> >
> > 'Need to get the execution parameters into the ExecutionParameter
> > 'table in execSet
> >
> > dim targetRow as DataRow
> > dim tbl as DataTable = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter")
> > targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
> > targetRow("ParameterName") = "FirstDate"
> > targetRow("ParameterValue") = startDate
> > targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
> > targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
> > targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"
> >
> > 'Also tried : targetRow = tbl.NewRow()
> >
> > targetRow = execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").newRow()
> > targetRow("ParameterName") = "LastDate"
> > targetRow("ParameterValue") = endDate
> > targetRow("ValueType") = "Date"
> > targetRow("IsEmpty") = False
> > targetRow("RowIdent") = "A"
> >
> > 'These currently show zero rows
> >"Number of rows=" & cstr(tbl.rows.count))
> >"Number of rows=" & cstr(execSet.Tables("ExecutionParameter").rows.count))
> >
> > DQadpt.ExecuteByIDParametrized(baqID, execSet, resultFieldList, topNRecords, hasMoreRecords)
> > dim dSet as DataSet = DQadpt.QueryResults
> > epiUltraGridC1.datasource = dSet
> > DQadpt.Dispose()
> >