Sending out Parts for third party processing

I’m not all that familiar with the whole manufacturing/subcontract process it has been a pretty steep learning curve so far. Apologies in advance if this is going to sound a stupid question.

I have been posed the question as what is the simplest way to take a part send it out to a third party, receive the part back as a different part (as it has been treated in some fashion) and have the applied costs captured. The trigger point for the requirement comes from a Sales order. Typically these parts are not kept in stock, and are effectively made to order.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Part “a” is sold. It is made from part “b” with an outside process. Part b could be either a purchased or manufactured item. To do this:

  1. Part a needs a BOM that includes qty 1 of part b
  2. Part a also needs a SUB CONTRACT operation
  3. When you sell PN a, you will get a job for that part, with a subcontract operation.
  4. Once you firm the job, run MRP or Po suggestions, and you will see a suggestion to create a subcontract PO for the service.
  5. Issue part b to the job
  6. Create the PO with cost
  7. Do a subcontract packslip to ship the parts
  8. When the parts return, receive the po, which will be received into your job. Cost will be applied.

Thanks Tim,
Much appreciated.