Goal: Create a dashboard to compare sales margin to quoted margin.
Issue: Selecting the correct QuoteQty price break to utilize relative to the quantity invoiced.
Does anyone know how to do this in the query builder or can point me to another article where this has been done?
Example: Invoice quantity is 15. QuoteQty breaks are 1, 5, 10, 20.
How do I get a query to select the qty break of 10?
Did you ever find a solution for this? I need to do something very similar and am in desperate need of guidance (hence why I’m ignoring the Necroposting warning ).
I had to join on unit price between the invoice unit price and the break unit price which I didn’t like but I couldnt find a better way at the time. I don’t envy you if you are trying to build out the quoted cost… it took me forever since you basically have to rebuild the quote worksheet calculations within a query.
I have done this in SQL and perform some margin analysis within excel pulling data from Epicor - we should be able to replicate this within BAQ if this is what you are looking for?
I get tom play with a new toy but nothing else really just a dedicated table(s) and the abilty to add BPMs (to that new BO), call it in functions etc. But just the same
The first thing that comes to my mind is community created modules that don’t have conflicts over UD tables. But that sounds like fun and open source which are two things companies don’t like.
And if you are using Kinetic epicor even creates an Entry / Maintenance Screen for you. So now I wrote a BPM or 2 that copies the QuoteQty (in memory) calculated fields to this table / bo
This can all be done without a custom BO… But one of the benefits is that Hilighted Line above see how I can do a BufferCopy (from QuoteQty) that’s cause I named my fields the same as the fields in the QuotedataSet.QuoteQty so I don’t have to assign each individual field.
That’s really awesome, I just don’t know if my company would spring for the additional cost (assuming this is an additional license purchase); then there’s the question on if I could figure out how to use it correctly.
I did create a BAQ that pulls the correct QuoteQty record based on the on the Order Quantity using a Sub-Select SubQuery, but I can’t get the rest of the data I need.