Security IDs in 9.05.702A

I had the same issue and the security.d replaces the current one and conversion program resolved the issue.




From: [] On Behalf Of gracefulthreads@...
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: Security IDs in 9.05.702A



Turns out there is a fix for it... there is a "security.d" file in either one or two places (depending on 32- or 64-bit installation) that Epicor Support will send a fix for. He did not reference an SCR, but knew of the problem and the fix as soon as I described it to him.


After replacing the file, you need to run Conversion Program 100 (all users should be out of the system).


Ernie Lowell

Diba Industries

I'm trying to change Menu Security settings in 9.05.702A, and am running into an issue. Under Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations, the Security ID on the Detail page is SEC1119, but if you go to the Security tab, Detail tab, the Security ID is blank. Doing a search does not show any SEC1119 Security ID.


Same problem for Accounts Receivable > Reports (SEC223), Accounts Payable > General Operations (SEC231), General Ledger > Setup (SEC251), and General Ledger > Reports (SEC253).


All the other menu headings have valid security IDs. Anyone else notice this?


Ernie Lowell

Diba Industries

Turns out there is a fix for it... there is a "security.d" file in either one or two places (depending on 32- or 64-bit installation) that Epicor Support will send a fix for. He did not reference an SCR, but knew of the problem and the fix as soon as I described it to him.


After replacing the file, you need to run Conversion Program 100 (all users should be out of the system).


Ernie Lowell

Diba Industries

I found some of those when I converted to 9.05.701. Those security IDs have a country code assigned to them (I'm assuming mistakenly). You can't access them unless you have the module for that country. If you do a BAQ on the security ID table you'll find the ones that show up blank in menu maintenance have a country code in them.