Security, Groups, Users & Menu access


These seem real complicated… Could someone kindly provide a top level explanation of how these all work together? We have to move some menus to new tighter controls. we have created the new groups and assigned the new groups to the users. In the menu, we have added the group to the menu we need but no dice.


  1. in the menu, there is a SecurityID. The only place i can find this list is in the menu. Is there another place we should be assigning securityID? What does it control?

  2. do we need to add the new group to all of the parent menus that the menu item we need is under?

  3. What do we need to do in order to gain the access to menu using the new group?

Thanks for any help, my experience with security on other systems is very different to this one.

Thanks so much

  1. The menu tab and security tab are at the top of the screen. On the menu tab you see the security id. That controls that particular menu item. This CAN affect those items below it as you can’t get to the lower items unless you can get to this one.

    The security tab is where you allow people and/or groups access. (we were told by consultants that generally it’s a lot better to Allow access rather than Disallow access)

    Once you uncheck the box for Allow Access to All Groups/Users you can copy users and/or groups over.

  2. That would depend on whether the people in that group could get to that area without it. By default, Epicor tends to be pretty open.

  3. As I said in item 2, by default Epicor should allow access to all, you have to go through and turn off that access and add the users/groups you want to give access to. (as detailed in item 1)

I don’t know if you are working with a new system or one that’s been in use for a while, so it probably isn’t wide open if it’s not new. I hope this helps!

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You’re doing well to get your head wrapped around it all. It is complicated. After a few false starts here is what we ended up with. Works very well.

Thanks for the replies so far. We were thinking of creating a brand new menu as we use about 50 functions only across different teams.

our thought on this was to create a group for each function (project entry, order entry, job entry) etc and then assign each user access to the relevant groups. We are thinking this way because there isnt a group system at all apart from creating the group name. I would have thought you could do something like

  • create a group
  • in the group, add the functions permissible
  • add the groups to the users.

What im not understanding is the Security groups. I get that you can add a security group to a menu but there doesnt appear to be any other settings for this so whats the point? For example:

User A has GroupProject, GroupOrder, GroupJob assigned.

in the menu
New Menu / Projects / Project Entry has GroupProject allowed.
New Menu / Sales / Order Entry has GroupOrder allowed.
New Menu / Production / Job Entry has GroupJob allowed.

i can assign a securityID to each menu level but nothing else. How would i get User A to access Project Entry? I cant assign the securityID from any of the menu items to the group or the user…

thanks so much for your held so far

This should get you started. You will need to do this for each menu item.
This does not completely lock down your system it is only the beginning.

To assign User “A” to be able to access Project Entry

Open Menu Maintenance
click on Service Management
Click on the Security tab
Add the following

Click on Project Management
Click on the Security tab
Add the following

Click on Project Entry
Click on the Security tab
Add the following

Open User Account Security Maintenance
Select User “A”
Add you “GroupProject” here

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