January 10, 2023, 7:56pm
Good day.
Somebody could help me?
I am trying to create a search field that invokes the UserCompSearch. When I run the form, Epicor displays an error stating that the ERP.BO… does not exist or cannot be run.
I tried to create the search via a BAQ but am getting the same error message.
Please, Does anyone know how I can correct it?
Can you use the BL Tester to make sure you have the right syntax?
I don’t have any experience with the new interface but generally that’s how I’ve solved server-side BO errors.
(Hannah Willett)
January 11, 2023, 1:43pm
Well, it looks like UserCompSearch is missing, well, everything in the MetaUI folder.
Compared to UserFile
What results are you looking for with the search?
Would using “Company.Company” as a search work for your needs?
(Hannah Willett)
January 11, 2023, 1:50pm
For your BAQ Search, you need to have the Like* column match what you have in your BAQ.