Search-Show Epicor Kinetic

Good day.
Somebody could help me?

I am trying to create a search field that invokes the UserCompSearch. When I run the form, Epicor displays an error stating that the ERP.BO… does not exist or cannot be run.


I tried to create the search via a BAQ but am getting the same error message.

Please, Does anyone know how I can correct it?


Can you use the BL Tester to make sure you have the right syntax?

I don’t have any experience with the new interface but generally that’s how I’ve solved server-side BO errors.

Well, it looks like UserCompSearch is missing, well, everything in the MetaUI folder.

Compared to UserFile

What results are you looking for with the search?
Would using “Company.Company” as a search work for your needs?

For your BAQ Search, you need to have the Like* column match what you have in your BAQ.