Search for data on a BAQ comment field

Hello Everyone,

Is there a way to have do a search a field as a selection? I tried the following below:

But it errored out.

If anyone has a way to accomplish this, I would appreciate your assistance.

Thanks in Advance.

Miguel Lopez

Use like, then an expression, add the % around the parameter.



1 Like

Hello Brandon,

I am on E9 and don’t have the LIKE option.
Any other ideas?

Thank you in advance.

Miguel Lopez

use Compare Operator of MATCHES with the parameter
When you test and the parameter comes up use * as wildcards in the beginning and/or end of the string.

I am trying to create a user prompt so they can look for information within the text box. An example would be specification.

Thanks in advance.


Sorry about that. I didn’t look at your version.

Hello Everyone,

I found the answer in the filter, with the filter has the ability to search using Contains on the field and it pulls the information.

Thank you.

Miguel Lopez