Hello Everyone!
I have a question concerning a customization in the system with a User Defined field and foreign key views.
A quick breakdown of what I am trying to accomplish:
Add a Text Box on the Customer Part Cross Reference screen to allow specific customer part information to be brought in on the Sales Order. I would want this Text Box and its contents related to that specific customer and customer part number to come over to the order entry screen.
I am running into trouble with this, not to mention it has been a while since I have had time to work on it so I may have forgot some things along the way. If anyone has any knowledge or experience regarding how I might try to do this it would be greatly appreciated.
Can you describe the solution you tried to implement, and where it is hung up/not working? Any Custom code you have is always helpful
What are you doing with the UD info from the Xref?
Setting it on a UD field in OrderDtl? Appending it to the OrderDtl.PartDesc? Setting the Order Line Comments?
Unfortunately it has been some time since I have worked on this and have forgotten what I got to work in the past. I had set an EpiBinding to the text box that kept it tied into the customer and part number, but I do not quite recall how I accomplished that. I believe I used a UD table that stored this information and tied it to the customer and part num.
As for tying it to the order entry screen I could never get it to pull over the data via Foreign Key Views.