This error just started today. Everything was working well yesterday. Today when trying to use Job Entry to schedule any job using Finite Resources = true, this error pops up. This is one of the shortest messages I have ever seen from Epicor!
Application Error
Exception caught in: Erp.Adapters.ScheduleEngine
Error Detail
Message: Nullable object must have a value.
Program: Erp.Adapters.ScheduleEngine.dll
Method: MoveJobItem
Client Stack Trace
at Erp.Adapters.ScheduleEngineAdapter.MoveJobItem(Boolean& l_finished, String& c_WarnLogTxt)
at Erp.UI.App.JobEntry.Transaction.scheduleJob()
I tried the obvious things from that thread like looking for operations with weird Prod Stds, or missing Scheduling factors (finish-to-start, etc). The job looks ok. If I schedule it without finite resources checked, it works ok. If I take the due date and push it out a year, it schedules ok even with finite resources checked. We didn’t have any updates or changes to our system since it was working fine yesterday. We don’t have any methods firing off of this form as far as I can tell. No new customizations have been made to the form recently. It happens on my pc and other’s pcs.
We poked around at many screens with Epicor support for about an hour. Nothing helped. So, over the weekend they want to do a data model regen, then try again on Monday. I am not holding my breath.
Are your production calendars setup properly? I only as as you said it worked yesterday, not today, but will with a date far out in the future.
Maybe something to dig into would be to keep rescheduling it with the due date gettting closer and closer until the error returns (Due: 4/1/2024, 3/1/2024, 2/1/2024, …)
Any chance someone’s April Fools BPM (which would kick in tomorrow) is making the Fool of you?
I would also recalculate the Shop Capacity with the "full delete’ option checked. The finite scheduler uses the ShopCap table to determine which blocks of time are available for resources.
Thankfully we just use one production calendar, and it hasn’t been changed since just before the new year when I setup the new holidays. I doubt someone is April Fooling me.
Trying the shop capacity thing now. I know that calculated scheduling order and global scheduling are both set to run daily early in the morning. They both completed without issues the last few days.
I had the same error today. I had a job-to-job relationship and the other job was never scheduled, so it didn’t have a start date. Once that other job was scheduled, everything went back to normal.