Scheduled Reports by Plant

I’m trying to set up reports such as stock status, and wip reports to run at a per-site level for all of my different sites. I’ve set up the reports by switching to each site and saving the report to the process set i have, however when the report actually runs, all the generated files are for one site only.

Is there a specific way to go about this?

I would think for stock status you could use warehouse as a filter per site.
For WIP only thing I can see would be based on a GL subset per site.

Hmmm… wondering if you are running into a security issue here? some inventory data is only available when you are actually logged into that specific site. I wonder if maybe the reports dont allow you to see the data in the report unless you run it from that site?

Along the lines of what Tim said, makes sure to be logged in to each specific site when you create the process sets.

I had to run SSR daily for 4 sites (2 reports each site), and just bit the bullet doing the following:

  1. Go into Site A
  2. Run SSR with Style 1, with the SSR Date of “Yesterday”, on a schedule for 12:01 AM, recurring
  3. Run SSR with Style 2, with the SSR Date of “Yesterday”, on a schedule for 12:01 AM, recurring
  4. Switch to site B
  5. Do #2 again
  6. Do #3 again
  7. Switch to site C
  8. Do #2 again
  9. Do #3 again
  10. Switch to site D
  11. Do #2 again
  12. Do #3 again

Styles 1 & 2 had break routing that would email the report to me, with attachment named to the site and date

And I always hated the fact that data from other sites was generally locked, even if you have access to both sites. For example, Order was placed in site A, and created a shipment in site B. You can only see the packer if your logged into site B. And if you right click the SO number in the Packer tracker, you’re told the order isn;t found. You have to copy that order num, then switch back to A and open up the order tracker and paste in the number.

So how I set it up was that I had 1 process set but I went into each site to schedule and assigned it to that singular process set.

Process Set 1 (Scheduled at Site 1):

  • SSR Site 1
  • SSR Site 2

Or should it be

Process Set 1 (Schedule this while logged into Site 1)

  • SSR Site 1


Process Set 2 (Schedule this while logged into Site 2)

  • SSR Site 2

personally, i would create a separate process set for each site just to make sure that you understand what is going on for each, eliminating confusion in the future.