We have a BAQ Report that emails our Production Manager every morning with a list of production activities that were not clocked out at end of shift the day before. It works great.
Is it possible to reconfigure this so that it first checks whether there ARE any records in the BAQ (i.e. did anyone forget to clock out?) and only sends the email if results exist? Some kind of BPM that runs on a task schedule?
Thanks in advance for what is probably a very simple answer.
Its funny you bring this up. I find that if I create a BAQ report in the BAQ report designer, it fails with no records selected when there is no data. But if I create a regular report in the Report Style screen, using an RDD that has a BAQ as the data source, then it sends out an empty report.
If you’re using APR, you can put in a condition there (like if Company not empty) and send the email only if it’s true. Below is an example I’m using (I have the email address as a calculated field in the BAQ)
Put in an idea! Everyone deals with this issue that has a BAQ report going out on a schedule and needs the report to display blank so that the end user knows it ran, but there were no results!
I feel like this solution is way more work than it is worth in my case, but, out of curiousity, where do you store the list of emails that the report should get sent to if you are doing it with a function? When using regular email sending functionality, these are stored in the sysagenttaskparam table and can be updated with an updatable BAQ.
This all just supports why it should be a feature… so that we don’t have to build functions to do it and spend so much time on it. We all do this, everyone has a workaround, but why… maybe it should get implemented as an enhancement.