I did some preliminary digging before creating this post and didn’t see anything of specific help so hopefully I have not missed something. I am looking for some help or potentially a headstart on some C# Code for a Post Processing Method Directive to completely Schedule an Unscheduled stock workorder job entirely through C#. I already ran a trace log on the scheduling process from Job Entry and I am starting there-- but I am unfortunately in some extreme crunch time on figuring this out for my client and I was hoping there might be a snippet of code out there that could give me a head start.
I already have access to the obviously necessary data like Company/Plant/JobNum and the Date I am trying to (forward) Schedule the job to.
I assume I will have to use either the JobEntry service contract, JobScheduling service contract, or the SchedulingEngine contract-- so I have grabbed all of these references to start.
Any assistance on this topic is greatly appreciated-- Will update with any progress or other questions as I go.
Easiest way would probably to run a trace through Quick Job Entry that will for sure cut down on the code needed to do it.
I would walk through that process quick see if you get the result you are looking for then run a trace if you do. The number of fields required is heavily reduced.
Ah! Got it! Thank you so much man. You are a lifesaver. I was halfway there when I got your response earlier and it is taking me over the finish line my friend.