Schedule a mass print based on BAQ

We have just stated using Kinetic, and we want to replicate a process from our old system. I’ve created a BAQ that contains all approved POs that are ready to print and have a PO date that is less than or equal to today (so that future dated POs are excluded). What I want to do is set up a schedule so that at a given time every PO in the list gets sent out.

I’ve got a working BAQ, and I’ve created a quick search using the BAQ, so it can be done manually at the moment.

Hello @matt.harrison and welcome to the community.

Have you considered using the Mass Print PO option… Then you would be able to schedule it with the standard tools

You could add a filter to the report parameters for the date. The PO has to be approved for the Mass print to be enabled.

So I think the steps would be:

  • Create a separate menu item to run the mass PO print.
  • Add an application studio layer and add in a token Date Control
    • Set the EpiBinding to CallContextBpmData.Date01
    • Set the EpiBindingShowToken to CallContextBpmData.CheckBox01
    • Set the EpiBindingToken to CallContextBpmData.Character01

Use this excellent post to create a function that you can convert the token date to true date, bind it to another CallContexteBPMData.Date field.

  • Publish the layer
  • Modify the SSRS report
    • Add in another dataset to the RDL for the CallContextBPMData
      Something like
="SELECT T1.Date01 [EpiBinding], T1,Checkbox01 [EpiBindingShowToken], T1.Character01 [EpiBindingToken], T1.Date02 [TrueTokenDate] FROM CallContextBPMData_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1"

Add join the CallContextBPMData directly to the main POHeader dataset like

LEFT OUTER JOIN CallContextBPMData_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T5 ON T5.RowMod = 'U' "
  • then you should be able to put a where clause in against the pO date and date passed in from the token field.

Here are some of posts I gleaned the information from. I hope it helps.

Kudos to those smarter than me for putting effort in and documenting it.
@ckrusen , @james howard, @JasonMcD and @hmwillett and @Rich

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