Hello there,
I have a BPM that writes into a UD tabel whenever ReportQty is triggered. This is run every hour and we would like to track at what times the quantity is reported, and later to do calculations on it in BAQs. For example, how many quantities are completed in that period of time?
I tried to save Now() to the Date01 (marked as datetime) in BPM, but it only saved the date. I then tried saving Now() to a Character01 field and it saves it correctly (e.g. 6/6/2023 6:15:43 AM), but now it is in string and I am not sure how to process these.
So I wonder if you guys know how I can either:
- Save the datetime in a datetime format
- save the date and time separately
- Convert the string to date and time in the BAQ
- any other ideas?
Thank you much!