When using Fulfillment Workbench with Sales Orders wtih the ‘Ship Order Complete’ enabled and different Ship By dates on Order Releases it doesn’t seem that Epicor attempts to keep all the Order Release Ship By dates the same, nor does it warn the user.
In Fulfillment Workbench if you search and select Order Releases by Ship By Date this seems to result in Orders not being queued to be picked and shipped until all the releases can be pulled into Fulfillment Workbench.
Just wondering if anyone else has ran into this being a problem with Order Entry people not realizing that the older dated releases will not ship until the latest ship by date and how you dealt with it.
I tested this in 9.05 through 2022.1 and there isn’t any warning or obvious way to detect the conflict.
Isn’t there some unusual logic, that on the order (summary/head) it prompts the user to update shop by date on the releases if they don’t match. If I remember correctly this prompt does not show if you change the release/ship by date. I also thought there was some configuration in the company config that worked with this. I could be wrong…
I know in the past I have had to make BPMs to alter that behaviour.
I hope that helps @Rick_Bird