Sales Order Holds

What are the production / packing / shipping implications of the various “holds” that can be placed on a sales order?

Ready to Fulfill - checked / unchecked
Firm Release - checked / unchecked
Order Header Hold - checked / unchecked
Credit Hold - checked / unchecked


This could be a long answer, you should take a look through the help file for each. The settings under company configuration determines the final implications.

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Answers depend on how you are using the software for Shipping. There are settings at company that determine how Credit Hold will affect shipping. Fulfillment Workbench has settings to determine if items are selected when “Ready to fulfill”… you can create additional triggers with BPMs. Typically “order Header Hold” has not had any teeth to it, and is for you to put BPMs or search criteria against. Firm Release will hide (if unselected) the item from MRP, but I believe you can still ship against an unfirm release.