One of my users reported this error when trying to open a Part in Part Entry from Sales Order Line - right-clicking on the Part number field.
“The process caller failed to invoke method InvokeSearch in Ice.Lib.Searches.EpiSearchEngine in Ice.Lib.EpiClientLib.dll”
The Monterey by Wind-Office Hours-18" x 15 is the Part in the Order Line.
What I found is that 15 of 16 lines on that Sales Order generate the same error and are generally titled in the same format:
The Monterey by Wind-Office Hours-18" x 15
The Monterey by Wind-Unit ID-11.75" x
The Monterey by Wind-Restroom ID-10" x 6.
The Monterey by Wind-Amenity ID-5.5" x 9
The Monterey by Wind-ICOF-12" x 8.
The Monterey by Wind-Location Map-18.5" x
The Monterey by Wind-Mail ID-16.5" x
The Monterey by Wind-Evac Map-15.5" x
The Monterey by Wind-Sm. Amenity Rule-5.5" x 9
The Monterey by Wind-Leasing Vinyl-7.125" x
The Monterey by WindSub Install-278639
The Monterey by Wind-Room ID-3.5" x 1
The Monterey by Wind-Storage ID-3.5" x 6
The Monterey by Wind-Elevator Info-4" x 6.5
The Monterey by WindSub Install-94134CO
What is interesting is that line 15 doesn’t generate the error when right-clicking and works just fine.
When I trace the right-click action I find this line:
> <parameter name="whereClause" type="System.String"><![CDATA[PartNum = 'ACM3MM1812DPV' BY PartNum]]></parameter>
When I trace the right-click action of any other line in the same SO I see something different: <parameter name="whereClause" type="System.String"><![CDATA[PartNum = 'The Monterey AND PartNum = 'The Monterey by Wind-Office Hours-18" x 15' by Wind-Office Hours-18" x 15']]></parameter>
Epicor is getting thrown off by the " BY " in part numbers. “AND PartNum =” is replacing the first instance where the should be a BY. This is throwing off everything it is trying to search by. Nothing is going to match the Part Master with that query.
I’m well aware. However some of our PartNums are starting starting outside of Epicor in a Sharepoint site. The BPM that would fix much of this garbage would create a mismatch in PartNums that cross-reference. I’m the tail, not the dog in this scenario, unfortunately. I have no say in the Sharepoint site.
You CAN put constraints on columns in SharePoint and maybe, just maybe, stop the madness there. Maybe get fancy and offer a carrot to load the part into Epicor right there (via REST) to reduce the time to production.
The older I get the more I believe that the most difficult part of implementing ERP is getting the kids to play well with each other…
I CAN’T do a thing to the SharePoint site. There aren’t enough carrots on my cart to move the needle. But I appreciate the thought and concern you all have from the outside.
My biggest, personal fault is not being prescient enough to provide a strong enough argument on PartNum format 6 years ago. Even then, my influence was small.
The headline still is: " by " in a PartNum can lead to unexpected errors in “Open-With”. Hope that I may help someone with this information.
Had a PO yesterday we couldn’t receive line by line, but it received when we did mass receipt. I didn’t investigate, but the PO was for a non-part-master part that had an ampersand (&) and a forward slash in it, and I just have to imagine that it was one of those that made receipt entry freak out.