So… everything works fine, except for the sales order screen.
More context: a fresh installation of E9 on a server with 2 VMs, the application on one VM and the database on the other.
We are testing if everything is working as it is supposed to, we tested all the key screens and all are working well, the only screen left was the sales order screen, the test has been done when all BPMs were disabled and on the base customization, and yet this error appears without any clue as to why it appears:
Error Detail
4GL STOP condition: The Server application has returned an error. (7243) (7241)
Stack Trace
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.Session.runProcedure(String requestID, String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, Boolean persistent, Boolean internal_Renamed, Int64 procId, MetaSchema localSchema, Int32 stateModel)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.Session.runStatelessProcedure(String requestID, String fullProcedureName, ParameterSet inparams, Object procId, MetaSchema localSchema, Int32 stateModel)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.runTheProcedure(String requestID, String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, MetaSchema schema)
at Progress.Open4GL.DynamicAPI.PersistentProc.runProcedure(String procedureName, ParameterSet parms, MetaSchema schema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.CallContextPersistentProc.runProcedure(String procedureName, ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema)
at Epicor.Mfg.Core.CallContext.ProxyHelper.CallMethod(String methodName, ParameterSet parameters, MetaSchema metaSchema, BLConnectionPool connPool, Session connection, PersistentProc persistProc, CallContextDataSet callContextDataSet)
at Epicor.Mfg.Proxy.SalesOrderImpl.MasterUpdate(Boolean lcheckForResponse, String cTableName, Int32 iCustNum, Int32 iOrderNum, Boolean lweLicensed, Boolean& lContinue, String& cResponseMsg, String& cDisplayMsg, String& cCompliantMsg, String& cResponseMsgOrdRel, SalesOrderDataSet ds)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters.SalesOrderAdapter.MasterUpdate(Boolean lcheckForResponse, String cTableName, Int32 iCustNum, Int32 iOrderNum, Boolean lweLicensed, Boolean& lContinue, String& cResponseMsg, String& cDisplayMsg, String& cCompliantMsg, String& cResponseMsgOrdRel)
at Epicor.Mfg.UI.App.SalesOrderEntry.Transaction.Update()
I’ve searched many times in google and inside this forum and found nothing.
Help me please!