Sales kit thru configurator

I have a simple part set up thru the configurator as a Sales Kit.
It gathers in 8 different parts based on Keep When rules. All of
these parts are marked as stock items in the part master, as the kit
will not bring non-stock items. Some of these parts are in fact
stock items and some are produced per Sales order.

Keep When (Part A) = 72

The above is an example of the Code I have on the Parts. This works
very well as to building the Kit.

My problem is that I don't know if there is a Code line I can add to
have the MOM brought in with the parts I need to produce per order.

I have set it up once with these parts being pulled as assemblies
and the MOM follows ok, but it will not work for my Sales kit that

Any ideas you have would be greatly apperciated.

Thank You
