Sales Kit Lot Number Allocation

Hi All,

We are starting to work with Sales Kits. Kits are made up of manufactured parts that are lot tracked. Our current process is:

  1. Print Kitting Work Order
  2. Pull Job Pick List
  3. Issue Material to job
  4. Receive Kit Job to Inventory
  5. Allocate Kit to customer shipment.

My problem is, when shipping the kit (which is also lot tracked) we have to re-enter all of the lot numbers that are shipping. I assumed that since the lot tracked components were issued to the job, they would have pulled into the kit shipment automatically.

If you’re receiving the “kit job” to inventory, then I don’t think you’re using sales kits. You would just ship that part out of inventory as is(with it’s lot).

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We only use Sales Kits rarely, but as far as I understand them, it’s just a way for multiple parts to be grouped together on orders and shipments. There shouldn’t be a job to “make” the kit – the components are automatically added to the shipment when you add the kit.

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Got it… we were doing it wrong

Thanks guys!