Wayne, I appreciate your explanation. HOWEVER, I could care less about the
cost at time of shipment!!!!!!! It's totally meaningless. We have outside
services which are on the tail end of a job in numerous cases. All of which
have VERY EXPENSIVE freight bills that I adjust onto the job. We're a job
shop who talks the language of ones and twos in a lot. Not thousands. I
don't want to hear about standard costs or variances either. We want
actuals for each job or release on a sales order.
Don't get me started on the useless PPV (Purchase Price Variances) or worse
yet, it's buddy (my MAJOR thorn in the side), the A/P Clearing Account.
Analogous to the Bermuda Triangle! An unreconcileable slop account. Or how
Vantage uses system dates instead of the transaction date which adds to the
troubles reconciling the A/P Clearing Account. GAAP needs to complied with -
just an old fashioned accounting idea!
I want to have my jobs reflect the total cost to produce that job!! AND I
want that reflected on the Sales Gross Margin Report. I don't want stuff
hiding in ANY variance accounts.
Not to stop there though. I agree, there shouldn't be any bugs in something
as vital as a WIP report which of course needs to match to physical counts
and the G/L and production detail reports which should match Gross Sales
Margin Reports. Integrated system right?
I do like Vantage. I just want Vantage to comply with GAAP, be reliable,
accurate and RECONCILABLE.
Another late Friday afternoon soapbox. It's time to go hug the kids and the
bunnies - start fresh again tomorrow!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Cox [mailto:
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Sales Gross Margin Report
At 04:15 PM 9/21/2001 , you wrote:
>Another thing to note about Vantage is that if you ship from a job, then
>receive an invoice for that job afterwards, that data is not reflected on
>the Sales Gross Margin Report even though it is correctly reflected on the
>production detail report. Contact Support to get this idiosynchrisy
If you understand the logic behind it, it sort of makes sense. Since some
customers leave jobs open and make multiple shipments from the job over
time, they were trying to calculate (approximate?) the cost incurred at the
time of shipment. They do that by running through the job's transactions
up to the date, and juggling some other numbers to get the quantity
completed at that point. Yes, any transactions after the ship date are
And while the invoicing might generate an ADJ-MTL or ADJ-PUR to WIP, if
you have a cost on the purchase order, that price will be used in the
transactions going into WIP.
Search for 253MPS on EraNet if you want all the gory details ;)
The WIP report, however, has flat out BUGS in it! See 4997MPS.
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