Safety Item Attribute for Tracking parts with 'Safety Approvals'

We have parts that have ‘Hazardous area approvals’ which the manufacturer provides
saying that those parts are approved for certain hazardous areas. There can be several international standard approvals (such as ATEX, IECEx) for a part depending on which region in the world the part will end up in.

My question is: Can I use the ‘Safety Item’ Check box and/Or Compliant check boxe under the Part Attributes Tab to flag our parts as:

  1. used in Hazardous areas
  2. Compliant with safety requirements

TIA for any advice or help!

To the best of my knowledge, there is CURRENTLY no logic attached to these fields, so theoretically you can use them for whatever nefarious purpose you desire.

That isn’t to say, however, that someday in the future Epicor might decide to use those fields for their own nefarious purpose. Making UD fields that are exactly what I want is an extremely easy process, and those can never be taken or reused.

Others have other opinions, but that’s the way I’d go. Make my own fields.


Thanks for this information! I agree with using UD Fields.

Cheers! :slight_smile: