RunProg in VB Forms not finding programs


I was having the same problem. Also after modifying the ".p" file I had to restart Vantage for changes to take affect. As I was told
by Epicor, the better way to do this is, to save "Vantage.vtg" file as let's say "VB_Temp.vtg" and delete "-q" entry from
"OtherParameters=-rand 2 -q -basekey ini" line. It's working like a charm.

Mike Tonoyan / MIS Manager
All American Products Co.
1135 Aviation Place
San Fernando, CA 91340
Tel.: 818-361-0059 Ext.: 246
Fax 818-898-2236
E-mail: miket@...

> --- In, "Mike Lowe"<MLowe@c...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm hoping this is something simple I'm overlooking.
> I have a Progress program (.p) saved in the following location:
> n:\vantage\vbp\ncmr.p
> In my VB Form button I enter the following command:
> RunProg vbp\ncmr.p
> Whenever I press the form button I get an error message stating that "
> vbp\ncmr.p not found".
> The procedure runs fine when running from within the Procedure Editor
> just not
> when called by RunProg.
> I've also tried calling out the entire path and even using {_vbdir}.
> Still
> receive the error message.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> Mike Lowe
> Connor
> Vantage 5.1
> Progress 9.1C
> --- End forwarded message ---
Hi All,

I'm hoping this is something simple I'm overlooking.

I have a Progress program (.p) saved in the following location:


In my VB Form button I enter the following command:

RunProg vbp\ncmr.p

Whenever I press the form button I get an error message stating that "
vbp\ncmr.p not found".

The procedure runs fine when running from within the Procedure Editor just not
when called by RunProg.

I've also tried calling out the entire path and even using {_vbdir}. Still
receive the error message.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Mike Lowe

Vantage 5.1
Progress 9.1C
Mike -

Here's a couple suggestions:

1. Remove the vbp\ from the command so that is only reads:
RUNPROG ncmr.p
(Note: By default Vantage Basic will look under the vbp folder for the

2. Exit and reopen Vantage on the work station. I have not found a rhyme or
reason as to why this step is needed. Sometimes it works other times it
don't. As a rule of thumb, I have added this as a standard step in testing.
Other ways of bypassing this if your client start up is slow, change the
name of the file you to which you are calling.)

Misha 1, Ltd.
Calvin Dekker

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Lowe [mailto:MLowe@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 3:42 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RunProg in VB Forms not finding programs

Hi All,

I'm hoping this is something simple I'm overlooking.

I have a Progress program (.p) saved in the following location:


In my VB Form button I enter the following command:

RunProg vbp\ncmr.p

Whenever I press the form button I get an error message stating that "
vbp\ncmr.p not found".

The procedure runs fine when running from within the Procedure Editor just
when called by RunProg.

I've also tried calling out the entire path and even using {_vbdir}.
receive the error message.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Mike Lowe

Vantage 5.1
Progress 9.1C

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