I was having the same problem. Also after modifying the ".p" file I had to restart Vantage for changes to take affect. As I was told
by Epicor, the better way to do this is, to save "Vantage.vtg" file as let's say "VB_Temp.vtg" and delete "-q" entry from
"OtherParameters=-rand 2 -q -basekey ini" line. It's working like a charm.
Mike Tonoyan / MIS Manager
All American Products Co.
1135 Aviation Place
San Fernando, CA 91340
Tel.: 818-361-0059 Ext.: 246
Fax 818-898-2236
E-mail: miket@...
Web: www.allamericanproducts.com
I was having the same problem. Also after modifying the ".p" file I had to restart Vantage for changes to take affect. As I was told
by Epicor, the better way to do this is, to save "Vantage.vtg" file as let's say "VB_Temp.vtg" and delete "-q" entry from
"OtherParameters=-rand 2 -q -basekey ini" line. It's working like a charm.
Mike Tonoyan / MIS Manager
All American Products Co.
1135 Aviation Place
San Fernando, CA 91340
Tel.: 818-361-0059 Ext.: 246
Fax 818-898-2236
E-mail: miket@...
Web: www.allamericanproducts.com
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Lowe"<MLowe@c...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm hoping this is something simple I'm overlooking.
> I have a Progress program (.p) saved in the following location:
> n:\vantage\vbp\ncmr.p
> In my VB Form button I enter the following command:
> RunProg vbp\ncmr.p
> Whenever I press the form button I get an error message stating that "
> vbp\ncmr.p not found".
> The procedure runs fine when running from within the Procedure Editor
> just not
> when called by RunProg.
> I've also tried calling out the entire path and even using {_vbdir}.
> Still
> receive the error message.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> Mike Lowe
> Connor
> Vantage 5.1
> Progress 9.1C
> --- End forwarded message ---