Depends on a lot of factors including number of parts, complexity of assemblies, number of MRP processes you schedule at one time, whether you are running multi-pegging, etc, when you run it. Question is why are you running regen instead of net change? If your assemblies are changing often and you are creating a lot of new parts with new demand than run regen. If you merely want to update MRP/Purchase suggestions with a net change it should take about an hour to one 1/2 hours at most for databases with 20,000 or more parts
--- On Mon, 1/26/09, mccroreytara <mccroreytara@...> wrote:
From: mccroreytara <mccroreytara@...>
Subject: [Vantage] running MRP in 8.03.406
Date: Monday, January 26, 2009, 12:04 PM
Was wondering how long it was taking for others to run REGEN & NET
Tara McCrorey
Production Control
Damar Machine
Monroe, WA
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