Run Progress Code

We're on 6.1 and if you go to System Mgmt, Vantage Basic, Command Window, type in Editprog, you can run a progress procedure from there.
Mercury Minnesota Inc.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 10:09 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Run Progress Code

I created a progress report file (.p) that reports information off of
my database. How does a Vantage run this progress code? Can they
even run it from Vantage or is there another way to run the code? I
am aware that you can run progress code from a BAM i don't want it to
run off of a BAM, i just want the user to be able to execute the code.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks so much for your helo

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I created a progress report file (.p) that reports information off of
my database. How does a Vantage run this progress code? Can they
even run it from Vantage or is there another way to run the code? I
am aware that you can run progress code from a BAM i don't want it to
run off of a BAM, i just want the user to be able to execute the code.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks so much for your helo
We are running Vantage ver 6.10...
We don't have the development package, we could only run it from a VB
Form ( there are a group of them supplied), add a control button to a
VB Form , add code similar to:

run V:\mfgsys61\ud\Procedures\ATAN.p ( INPUT decInput,OUTPUT

Hope this helps.
Bill J.

--- In, "" <>
> I created a progress report file (.p) that reports information off of
> my database. How does a Vantage run this progress code? Can they
> even run it from Vantage or is there another way to run the code? I
> am aware that you can run progress code from a BAM i don't want it to
> run off of a BAM, i just want the user to be able to execute the code.
> Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks so much for your