Roll up deletes Std cost if there is 0 On Hand

I have been having a problem for a while that manufactured parts with Std cost would periodically have the Std material cost go to 0 for seemingly no reason. I have been able to isolate this problem to this. After performing a full inventory roll up in the costing workbench, any part with a std material cost that has an on hand qty of 0 will have the cost changed to $0.

Has anyone else had this problem?

Purchase or Make parts?

Do you keep revisions on all parts?

yes we do

Sorry Mark, these are manufactured parts.

And the Rev’s are approved for the zeroed items?

Yessir, and only one approved rev per item.

Best Regards,

Paul Bank

Operations Manager,

ADI Logo 2009

Aero Dynamix Inc.

3227 W. Euless Blvd

Euless, Tx 76040

(817) 571-0729

Cool. And no weirdness with effective dates where another rev would be effective during the cost roll?

No, nothing weird like that. Have you ever heard of this before?

Best Regards,

Paul Bank

Operations Manager,

ADI Logo 2009

Aero Dynamix Inc.

3227 W. Euless Blvd

Euless, Tx 76040

(817) 571-0729

And the Costing method on the Site record is Standard for these parts?

Are they also marked Non-Stock = ‘False’?

If there’s no method effective on the proposed posting date then it could roll to zero since there is no method.

The parts all have operations and materials built and approved in the engineering workbench. Is that what you mean?

Best Regards,

Paul Bank

Operations Manager,

ADI Logo 2009

Aero Dynamix Inc.

3227 W. Euless Blvd

Euless, Tx 76040

(817) 571-0729

Hi Paul,

A few thoughts:

Part Site tab (NOT General) says Costing Method is Last or Average, so Standard doesn’t roll up. On the same tab, is part marked as Non-Stock?

Only approved Part Rev is in the future. Cost Roll Up posting date is 1 November 2018 but rev goes into effect 7 November. So while there are parts on the MOM, they are not in effect on the roll up date.

The Mom contains purchase parts with no material values and/or no hours.


Here is the material portion of the MOM

Sorry for so many separate emails but the site only lets me do one image at a time.

Qty = .0001 EA per parent? What is the cost of the component?


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I’m with @thager. That’s a really small number unless the raw material is very, very expensive.

The component is a sheet of raw material at $529 per sheet, so we should be at .05 per piece.

Best Regards,

Paul Bank

Operations Manager,

ADI Logo 2009

Aero Dynamix Inc.

3227 W. Euless Blvd

Euless, Tx 76040

(817) 571-0729

All I can think of is to make sure your standard cost on the component is actually $529 and that the component costing method is standard.

I have to say that even in E9, the on-hand qty should not make a difference. At least I have never seen it happen. You should be getting a roll up of $0.0529 per piece. There needs to be some other reason.

I would look at the costing method of the material and what that cost is and then the costing method you re using for the rollup in the costing workbench and the cost of the material for that method.

If the costing workbench is using Std, check the std cost of that material. Average, Last, etc.

If you check the checkbox for use the material costing method. Check that.

Make sure you have the materials listed in the materials tab and what the cost for the material shows before the rollup.

If all of that jives, I’m stumped and would have to stop by and look at it. I’m in Fort Worth.


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Thanks Charlie, I will double check all of these variables and let you know.

Best Regards,

Paul Bank

Operations Manager,

ADI Logo 2009

Aero Dynamix Inc.

3227 W. Euless Blvd

Euless, Tx 76040

(817) 571-0729